WOW!! Welcome Turtle!! I have to say that is a surprise knowing how you worked to make your business a success at Panther, I can only imagine the time that went into the decision to move...Welcome to the house, i look forward to meeting at the yard !!!
Very perceptive. Leaving Panther after five years was hardly a snap decision. Months, even years went into it, as "Should I try somewhere else?" is a question always in the back of your mind, or at least it was with me. I was with Con-Way NOW and ended up being caught in the claws and jaws of the Panther buyout, and Panther was immediately very, very different from Con-Way. Many people, clearly smarter than me, decided not to stay on with Panther, or they left in short order. I took it as a challenge to learn their system and work within it to make my business a success. And it was a challenge, lemme tell ya. I've never hidden my displeasure here in the Forums with their policies and procedures. But I was nevertheless able to work within the bureaucratic idiocy (or as Moot says, to "embrace the stupidity"). But the time finally came where I no longer wanted to work the system and play the games just to do my job.
Once the decision was made, it became an easy decision, and one that happened very quickly. But it wasn't like I
had to leave Panther, as I could have remained and still done just fine there. Panther and I parted on very good terms, it wasn't like they wanted me gone or I left in anger or anything. I bear them no ill will or harbor no animosity, and I think the reverse is true. I officially left Panther on Wednesday, which is when I actually informed them I was leaving, and turned in the QC and stuff, and since then have received several e-mails from dispatchers, Driver Relations people, and people in the office, none of whom I've ever gotten any e-mail from in the past, all wishing me well, so that was nice.
Still, changing carriers is not an easy decision when there is no animosity or anger involved in the decision. I wasn't particularly
happy there, which makes the decision easier, but I wasn't exactly
unhappy, either. Moving to a new carrier entails plenty of uncertainty and second guessing. OMV was instrumental in helping me with the decision, as he knows me quite well, and his, "You'll be happier here," was hard to ignore. He was the initial and critical go-between in getting me on with Load 1, so if/when I screw up, John knows who to blame.
Part of the uncertainty of changing carriers is the stress of the unknown, the stress of the new environment, and the stress of dealing with it all with new people. As I'm sure all of you already know, the people back in Safety and Recruiting are individually and collectively a class act, and removed pretty much all of that stress during orientation, and made the transition an easy one. That is, I think, a direct reflection from above.
LOL, while I would never consider Turtle a "Cheerleader" at Panther, he certainly worked their system and made it clear that he made good i have to wonder, is this move as big as ATeam leaving the FED!?!?!?

LOL, in all seriousness, Welcome to the Family!!
Oh, it's huge. Much bigger than the ATeam's move. The same day I moved to Load 1, the Earth
literally shook.
Phil was a cheerleader for FECC, to be sure, and was so closely associated with them that it was hard to separate the two. But as soon as he became disenchanted with them the writing was on the wall. I, on the other hand, have always been disenchanted with Panther, was never a cheerleader, never had their logo in my sig, used "my carrier" instead of "Panther" more often than not when referring to them, yet people associated me and Panther as nearly one in the same. My leaving Panther will surely rock the industry, and likely overwhelm Load 1 with recruiting requests from Panther contractors, as well as other carriers.
I'm kidding, of course. The only impact I'm likely to have is not posting very often, if at all, in the Panther Carrier Forum here on EO.