“It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target. Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled.” – Eric Fuller, Tuscon shooting victim, the day before the Town Hall Meeting.
[Seems a little on the idiot side, to me.]
Towards the end of an otherwise thoughtful town hall, there was a single incident: James Eric Fuller, who was shot at the Safeway last week, allegedly made a threatening comment to another audience member, Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries. It is unclear whether Humphries heard Fuller and the two never engaged. According to the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, Fuller used a cell phone to take a picture of Humphries and allegedly said, “You’re dead.”
[He shot Humphries with a camera and said, "You're dead." Now he's moved past idiot, and on into crazy territory.]
[Fuller, 63, is a military veteran. Who was shot with a gun and didn't die, but shot someone with a camera and thinks they are. Oh, Kaye.]
Fifteen seconds after the conclusion of the town hall, law enforcement officials approached Fuller and led him to a side entrance. A moment later, Fuller could heard yelling,
“What’s the matter–with you–s!”
[How to Win Friends and Influence Law Enforcement Officials, by Eric Fuller. Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.]
Fuller was charged with disorderly conduct and threatening and intimidation and taken to a local mental health facility.
[But he's feeling
much better, now.]