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That right there is why I don't call and bother them. They're understaffed, overworked and underpaid.
I'm not so sure about all of that.I mean, if it was true, wouldn't the turnover in dispatch be high? When is the last time a dispatcher has quit? New faces in that department as far as I can see have been an addition,not a replacement.
I wasn't mad or upset when I posted what I did about not receiving messages responses. It was just my thoughts out loud.I wasn't trying to make anybody look bad, even though I see how it did.I know exactly firsthand, being a dispatcher back in 90 how it can get so crazy.That's why I really don't call all that much, unless it is really important.I was just trying to work with them and get a grip on what they thought my next best move should be.A lot of us really don't have a clue what goes on in there, the call volume, etc.Jeremy and I had a real nice conversation,and after hearing what went on Saturday, I understand why things happened the way they did.And, the reply messages did not come through to me as well on the q-c.So do we see where it is so easy to think the wrong things? I figured this weekend was going to end up a wash was because of where I was at, in the middle of nowhere, and where I am now, I figure nothing won't ship out till Monday at the earliest.But, I have been wrong before.This all is not directed at you, Turtle.A multi-purpose post.