Anyone moving


Veteran Expediter
Delivered to Nike In St Charles Mo. on 2/4. Sat pontoon beach ill for 36 hours and DH'd on my own to see a friend up in lasalle ill. Wasn't in the front door of the house when dispatch called with a Rockford ill to Mocksville NC. Drove 800 miles straight through and I am now in kannapolis NC now. Headin for dinner at a local Steak house, maybe I'll run into Dale jr............:D

So yea sometimes moving is a good thing after you have sat for a bit......seems to be workin more then not....


Veteran Expediter
Wasn't in the front door of the house when dispatch called with a Rockford ill to Mocksville NC. Drove 800 miles straight through and I am now in kannapolis NC now. Headin for dinner at a local Steak house, maybe I'll run into Dale jr............
Well shoot .... wish I had known ...... I would have joined you ..... always up for a little dead cow .....

I dropped in Duncan, SC at early Friday morning and picked up in Morganton, NC yesterday evening .... then came over to the J in Knoxville to spend the weekend ..... before heading up to Toledo Sunday evening.

Enjoying the weather ? :D


Retired Expediter
Well shoot .... wish I had known ...... I would have joined you ..... always up for a little dead cow .....

I dropped in Duncan, SC at early Friday morning and picked up in Morganton, NC yesterday evening .... then came over to the J in Knoxville to spend the weekend ..... before heading up to Toledo Sunday evening.

Enjoying the weather ? :D

your DH'ing from Knox to Toledo for? ain't that backashward


Veteran Expediter
your DH'ing from Knox to Toledo for? ain't that backashward
I'm not deadheading anywhere ....... well, just a little mebbe ... I have a load going to Toledo for Monday that I picked up Friday night ..... the J in Knoxville was more or less on the way ..... (about 20 miles out of the way, round trip) .... I needed fuel and have internet access there .... and it was going to be 10 degrees warmer in Knoxville today (70F) than it would have been in Asheville ...... so I'm hanging here until tomorrow afternoon when I'll leave for the frigid north ....... :D

Spent the day doing a little maintenance on the truck - changed the bypass filter, vacuumed and cleaned out the interior, got it washed, etc. Might try to touch up some of the stone chips on the hood tomorrow/today (Sunday) if it looks like it isn't gonna rain ....


Veteran Expediter
Rlent wrote:

Well shoot .... wish I had known ...... I would have joined you ..... always up for a little dead cow .....

I dropped in Duncan, SC at early Friday morning and picked up in Morganton, NC yesterday evening .... then came over to the J in Knoxville to spend the weekend ..... before heading up to Toledo Sunday evening.

Enjoying the weather ?

Dang, yea too bad no one knew, Uncle Ray said you were good company and quite the "conversationalist!" :D LOL, But the steak was good and the company wasn't bad, (lol 2 truckers that didn't like Barry either, you'd of thought lol) And the Bud Shootout was on TV . Beer was cold (i went out of service after I dropped wil go back sometime today) and the desert was excellent.

As for the weather, its suppose to be 74 today, so i need to find a place to wash the truck.

Hey if you want to sit in knoxville, I'll set up a cross dock and I'll take that Toledo run and go home take my wife and kids to dinner and sleep in my own bed!! :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Gee Jack,

It was a shame we were not at home when you were in Toledo. We live only 8 miles from the Ohio/Toledo line. We live in sleepy La Salle. More people "live" in the cemetary there than live in the town!!!! There are a whole 8 house where we live. Corn fields in the front and back of the house. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
layout wrote:

We live in sleepy La Salle

Ron Hemelgarn owner of Hemelgarn Racing and the old s1 century health fitness centers ( has a new name now) use to live in La Salle, he still up there? Haven't sat and had dinner with him in maybe 6-8 yrs.....he is a nice guy...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sorry, I don't know the guy. I can't help you with that one. I don't know many in the area, just my next door neighbors and a couple of others. I mainly hang out with life long friends that live further up north, around Gibraltar, Trenton and Riverview. All of those guys are layout hunters. Notice a pattern? LOL Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
LOL, yea knowing ron , i don't think he'd do well in a layout bout! Now sitting at a lodge and having 2 other go out and find the moose then coming back and getting ron to shot it, that I could see! LOL, thats not fair, while i know him, I don't even know if he hunts!

Ron owns the old montgomery wards end of the now defunct northetown mall area just south of you at the stateline. It is his one last bastion in the fitness business. He also owns the big building right there across from the old mexican resturant on alexis and telegraph. It use to be the fitness center and housed his finance company that handled fitness center membership contracts all over the country for other fitness centers.

He also has owned and i believe still owns a few Indy race cars. He has had drivers in the Indy 500 for yrs, even winning it a few years agi right after Tony turned it over to the IRL. His teams were good and ran the full season for more then a few years, but he is roger Penke when it comes to finanaces either, the budget was limited.


Veteran Expediter
So many Lay out shooters friends ...
one big cemetery ...
what the heck are you guys shooting at ? ...



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know anyone that "Lives" in the cemetery. I see know reason to shoot at them, it would have little effect. When on the Lake we shoot at ducks. You have no need to worry. I have NEVER seen a moose 4 miles out on Lake Erie, even on the ice!!! Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
ok im in ....Nashvegas........and bored crazy..... low on $$ and well......
at least my daughter is enjoying her time with her granny here and cousins..
she hasnt been around them since her dad passed away last aug.
sooooooooooooo here i am at the new pilot in murfreesboro..


Veteran Expediter

I think you and I might be from the same neck o' the woods, mstar55ny. However, I haven't lived there in 21 years.

Wife and I start our expediting adventure tonight, and we are super-excited, nervous, and anxious.

Hope to see you out there!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
HEY!!! Good luck in your new adventure, don't be afraid to ask any questions you can think of. If they are stupid we will make terrible fun of you but we all asked them and we all "got" our share of it!!! It's fun. If my wife and I can help just drop us a PM. HAVE FUN. If you don't have fun, don't do it. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
USA! Enjoy the road! You are starting on a totally new way of livin!! Enoy yhe excitement as long as you can! Stay positive, knowing that you are coming in at a slow time and it will only get better!

I started with no expectation and having no idea what to expect but past experiences in this business, I am enjoying each day, you and your wife do the same!!


Veteran Expediter
What an exciting week! Left home late Sunday, and parked at a truckstop near our home, and slept. Got a few crap load opps the next day (got all excited when they did, but the money was bad), then took the last crap offer from Chicago to Evansville.....had to get out of Michigan. Picked up later that afternoon, delivered first thing the following morning. En route to layover in Louisville, get an opportunity to California. We've covered 3k+ miles in 3 days' time, and what an adventure it's been! Donner Pass this AM was rather exciting, and I don't care if I ever get to see Wyoming again or not.

Anyone have any idea if Oakland, CA is a happening place for ops, or should I consider asking to move?

I appreciate the offer, layoutshooter.

Maybe someday over a coffee we'll chat about the wife and how she got called FEDEX in F-you fashion twice in one day by the same jerk Swift driver.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Glad to hear you enjoyed your first week!!! Hope it keeps up for you. We have had a few junk offers today and turned them all down. We might head home tomorrow. We are within 180 miles, we have reletives in from Ireland and an appointment with our CPA on Monday. I will take a really good load and pass up home but not any of this junk. Where are all the vans? Most of this stuff is van stuff. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Good to see that you got a great trip your 1st week out, to bad that baseball season its here yet, I have always enjoyed oakland for a good day at the ball park!

Send some of that van freight down here to Fla. Got into Lake City last night about 6 pm. No a single offer or even load planning calling to see if i would take a load if they bid it... It has been a little over 27 hiurs here, might stay till the morning or might head for atlanta about midnight...still thinkin on it.


Expert Expediter
im kinda moving, backhaul, low pay, lots stops. but it beats deadheading home again from nashvil, just to get another at&t back up there. maby ill luck into one of those clifornia loads tomorow after i kick this one off. i could use somthing interesting.