he was talking about people like you!
Don't think so .... I'm all for freedom, as long as that freedom doesn't infringe on the rights and freedoms of others.
You, on the otherhand, have, just in this thread, called for someone - anyone apparently, if it can't be determined who is responsible for this
utterly heinous crime 
- to lose their job - their means to a livelihood and happiness .......
all without really knowing, or even having all the data about what actually happened ...
That, in itself, would seem to indicate an individual who might be inclined to lose their freedom -
or cost others theirs - given that they would seem to be prone to rash action without having all the facts, instead substituting their own "think" in place of actual investigation, observation, consideration of the facts, etc.
In fact, you are apparently so thoroughly unfamiliar with the concept of
true freedom, that you issued the following rather shrill screed, earlier in this thread:
That sentiment, in and of itself, is perhaps one of the more unenlightened (
or patently stupid, if you prefer) things that I've seen on here in some time.
And yes there is an excuse for it to happen on American soil ....
in fact, there are over 300 million of them ....
The essence of what you are saying is that someone
should not have ...... wait for it

the freedom .... to do whatever they want with an American Flag.
I'm sure that sorta mindset would fit right in, in Joe Stalin's Communist Russia and Adolph Hilter's Nazi Germany, however there is a problem ......
this is America ....... and instead we have
freedom. I sorta like it that way myself.
Fact is, if I - or anyone else - wanted to, I (or they) could take a rather
steaming dump ..... all over the American Flag .... or whizz on it ..... or use it as a patch to cover a hole on the butt on my pants .... or pretty much anything else.
And that's as it
should be - because you see, the Flag is only a
symbol. It's meant as
a representation of
something. In our case, what it represents (to me at least) are the ideals that this nation is founded on - life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness .... IOW: freedom
Sometimes folks get a little confused .... as you apparently are here .... because they confuse the
symbol for the
actual thing that it
And if you want to understand how utterly frickin' insane that can actually get, then get this as an idea: someone becomes so religiously fanatical on the subject of symbols that they actually
worship the
symbol (flag) .....
while ignoring or losing sight of the actual thing (freedom) that the symbol is supposed to represent.
Sound at all familiar ? It should .....
In the final analysis, the thing that is really important, the thing that really matters, the thing that folks willingly lay down their lives for, in defense of ...... is
not some piece of cloth, a rag, a mere symbol ....
but that which the symbol represents.
You could save the symbol at all costs .... and if one lost
what it stood for ..... one would have
nothing at all, really, in the end.
Cry Freedom
How can I turn away
Brother/Sister go dancing
Through my head
Human as to human
The future is no place
To place your better days
Cry freedom cry
From a crowd 10,000 wide
Hope laid upon hope
That this crowd will not subside
Let this flag burn to dust
And a new a fair design be raised
While we wait head in hands
Hands in prayer
And fall into a dreamless sleep again
And we wave our hands
Hands and feet are all alike
But gold between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
But fear between divide us
All slip away
There was a window and by it stood
A mirror in which
He could see himself
He thought of something
Something he had never had but hoped would come along
Cry freedom, cry
From deep inside
Where we are all confined
While we wave hands in fire
Wave our hands
Hands and feet are all alike
But gold between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
But fear between divide us,
Slip away
In this room stood a little child
And in this room this little child
She would remain
Until someone might decide
To dance this little child
Across this hall
Into a cold, dark, space
Where she might never trace her way across this crooked mile
Across this crooked page
Cry freedom, cry
From deep inside where
We are all confined
Till we wave our hands
How can I turn away
Brother/Sister go dancing
Through my head
Human as to human
The future is no place
To place your better days
Hands and feet are all alike
But gold between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
But fear between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
Hear what I say
Hear what I say
Oh, so be it
How can I turn away
Brother/Sister go dancing
Through my head
Human as to human
The future is no place
To place your better days