Where did this happen?
It is sad how some people have no problem with the disprect shown to OUR FLAG.First the principal says none of his staff did this,then he says it happend befor school opened up.So which is it?I dont know about colorado but anywhere I have ever lived a person can not just walk into a school and walk around doing what ever he/she wants to do.
Maybe I just have more respect for the flag then some.Maybe what the flag stands for means more to me then some.No other country in the world has a flag that stands for everything ours does.No other country in the world has a flag that is as recognizable as the american flag is.Even as hated as many claim we are, no other country in the world have millions of people wanting to come live under that flag.
The terrorist that planed 9/11 never thought that just hours after the attack on the twin towers that the AMERICAN FLAG would be raised at ground zero telling them and the rest of the world no matter what you do to us our flag and everything it stands for is still here.
I view this as someone made a dumb mistake, it was not done with evil intentions. Just look on the bright side, the entire school just learned a valuable lesson.
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You can bet your AZZ no fake outrage here.What the picture shows is an american flag with no pole at all neither flag should have been put up.The way the flags were hung gives the inpression that the american flag is lower then the saudi flag and this is wrong.Again this happend befor school was open The person who put the flag up should know better and show more respect for it.How do you know the person who put the flags up did not do this on purpose?You dont, you ASSUME it was a simple mistake!You handle the flag you better know how to handle it and give it the respect it demands.Some one needs to be fired for this disrespect.
Now I can not say what I want to say if I did I would get baned.Trust me if any of you think the way I feel is FAKE OUTRAGE YOU ARE WRONG.
I couldn't agree more. One of the reasons outrage regarding issues like this tends to be dismissed as being fake is that they've been marginalized. I attribute this phenomenon to this globalist apologetic/pacifist attitude that has permeated our culture for the past four decades or so. It seems national pride has falling by the wayside.
I wouldn't say it is fake outrage, you guys can be mad about it if you want but it also doesn't mean the rest of us don't care about the country or the flag. This was a person that made a mistake, it isn't like the principal said to go pound sand when he found out. That is the reason people aren't outraged, it wasn't done with the intention to show allegiance to another country.
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The catalyst might be the thread and "news" headline showing it to be a deliberate act when it's nowhere clear that it was.
If no one believes it was intentional then why the thread and "news" headline?
The article is merely calling attention to the act with no opinion as to intent or lack thereof.
So the mention of it being "lowered in presence of Saudi flag" isn't opinion?
My point is it doesn't state intent.
Now, whether the wording of the title is written in way that's conducive to a particular slant is debatable.
The article is merely calling attention to the act with no opinion as to intent or lack thereof.
No need to state their opinion: both the decision to publish the photo and the caption written for it make their opinion crystal clear: this will generate outrage, which fuels sales.
Never mind whether the outrage is justified, just generate it to increase profit.
If you're old enough to remember when journalists and editors [not all, but many] had ethics, this kind of thing is outrageous in itself.
Just the same as they need to pull over and confront the owners of those pathetic faded and/or tattered flags we see flying all over the place. Those are the flags that get me ticked off. And I've said things to some of those people. There's no excuse for flying a flag that's in tatters. None. That's not an innocent mistake, that's neglect. It's better to fly an empty flag pole than it is to fly a worn out flag.