Each of us voted for the person(s) thay thought were best suited for the job. We all have strong feelings about our choices.
The votes were cast the choice was made, we now have to live with our choices, and hope that the checks and balances built into our government will come into play if needed.
The greedy, wealthy, paid off elected officals, along with the money grubbing COE's of big business, and the banking industry, will be the cause of the fall of this once great country. Now the auto industry wants a piece of the $700 billion bailout.
Why should we the working middle class have to bailout these leaches? The answer is simple, if we don't the country will for sure collape into the black hole of a depression the likes of which has never been seen. It will spread to every counrty in the world.
Global war, starvation, plagues will eventually put an end to the human condition as we know it today.
Yes I'm talking doom and gloom! Wake up! Stop bickering about who would have been the better prestdent, we now have a president elect.
Stand up America. Each and everyone of us needs to stand side by side and take this great land and bring it back to it's rightful palce as the greated country on earth. We can't do this if we fight anoung ourselves. Grab your neighbors hand, pull together as our fore fathers did. lets show the world what WE THE PEOPLE can do when we unite as one voice. Lets through the bought off elected officials out, lock stock and barrel.
Stand up! Lets put the ME GENERATION in the tomb.
Together we can rebuild OUR COUNTRY, not the politicians country, not the money hungry
mongers country. The People Country! Open your eyes, take off the rose colored glasses.
Stand up! Be counted! Be heard! Be willing to lay down your lives for Your Country!
Americans are the downfall of America. American businesses shipped American jobs overseas to make bigger profits to make the rich richer, and made the poor poorer.
This country was taken from WE THE PEOPLE and given to THOSE THE WEALTHY.
Ask yourself this question. DO I Have The Marbles To Take My Country Back? If you don't then stop complaining and surrender like the vermin you are!