A new day In America And I am Proud.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Interesting stuff - but seeing LBJ ranked ahead of Reagan leaves me a bit skeptical of the validity in some of these rankings which are of course, subjective. Having been a politically active adult during both of these presidencies, I just don't see how that positioning is justified. However, the project provides great subject matter for discussion among us political junkies.


Veteran Expediter
I have 1 question. Those of you that are 'proud of America", that think the election of obmand was a great thing, is that because he is what for the most part and considered by most of the world to be a black man?
Color is no more relevant to me than the other factors people keep assuming are reasons to vote for a candidate, like: political party, gender, religion, alma mater. What matters to me, is what I believe the candidate will try to accomplish with the office. John McCain would, IMO, have simply perpetuated the same policies that led to the mess this country is in.


Veteran Expediter
Cheri... do you honestly believe Obama would've beaten Hillary if he were white? Do you think he would've gotten the media exposure if he were white? Do you think he would've made Chris Matthews get that 'tingly feeling running up his leg' if he were white?

In case you've been sleeping the last 3 months, the economy, tho weak, was not broken until Freddy and Fanny went bust. That sent a loan panic thru ALL the lenders; not just mortgages.

Freddy and Fanny went bust because they took on too many risky loans. They did this so they could show them as assets, and their officers could collect bonuses. Several attempts to reform them were defeated in Congress by... care to take a guess?... members who benefited from contributions made by FF and FF.

Blame Bush all you want. Fact is the straw that broke our economy's back amounted to a couple MILLION in bonuses and donations. THAT is the BAD kind of greed I was talking about in another thread. Getting those bonuses and donations were so important, it was worth destroying millions of ppls' lives. Yet no one is going to jail. The FBI is investigating. But honestly, with Obama being #3 on the donation list, do you think they'll ever finish the investigation? Do you think anyone will be indicted?

Now I'll give you a lesson in the predatory lending these same members of Congress blame for our mortgage fiasco. Democrats in Congress pushed for high-risk loans made to low-income families. Mortgage companies are not going to just do favors. Higher risk loans mean higher interest mortgages. When ppl who should've never been given mortgages end up not paying them, we ended up with the housing boom going bust. A $200,000 loan made in 2002 is now worth maybe $75,000. A $50,000 loan in the city of Detroit maybe worth $8,000.

I don't expect you to read all of this. Just putting it out there.


Seasoned Expediter
First and foremost thank you for those who spoke up.I am really proud to see that others, are like myself Not ignorant, or full of fear.
When i was 18 two things I did registered for the draft (Vietnam era) And to Vote.There is nothing more American then serving your country .weather it be war or voting. I have never and I mean never missed an election, People of my own heritage where denied the right under communist control in Europe.
There are many many fine African Americans in this Country as well as hispanics,polish, irish, Orental, Germans. Etc .There are people from all races , nationality, religions that are the backbone of America.I am proud to say I have encoutered many of them.I look for the good in all People.there are plenty that I may not end up breaking bread with.
The same fear and ignorance that is still running like a wild fire in 2008 is really against all this country stands for.
Lets talk about the last 8 years the good old boy net worth.Today the figures came out 240,000 Americans loss there jobs in America in October
Around 750 billion to bail out the rich man banks , wall street Which still hasnt rebound.Yet they are going to use 13 billion of the bail out money on golden parachutes(bonus money)
.550 billion spend on a war in Iraq so far.(in a coutry that is very slovent) What ever happen to Bin Laden?
Eight years ago the USA had only about 100 container trucks of product coming in from China today it is at 100,000 loads a month.(American jobs send away)
Did I mention the ties of Cheneys business over in Iraq or Georges oil ties.Or the several thousand americans who were killed on 911 due to hatred of George Bush.And his daddy.I could sit here and go on and on.Like I said this is one America yours mine,but in My case I am proud to see a new day in America.I am glad that my heart isnt filled with the hate of the few on here and in our great country.My freind someday you will have to confront your fears and ignorance.


Veteran Expediter
First and foremost thank you for those who spoke up.I am really proud to see that others, are like myself Not ignorant, or full of fear.

Sorry... but I think those who have NO fear are ignorant.

BTW... nice talking points. Get them from CNN or moveon.org? Got any links to substantiate them?


Seasoned Expediter
Fear and ignorance go hand in hand.Most folks on here wont admit it. When you see folks using a insulting name on here and name calling because of what others thinkThese are the same ones who would say oh I know this real nice black guy.Instead of saying yeah I am freinds with Leroy or Joe etc.
You can bet the majority who voted for Mc cain were up in age or full of fear and ignorance,
I find it funny that his own VP choice now is saying the things she is.
I am glad there is a younger person running this country come 2009.I know if he runs the country like they did his campange In due time things will get done,Plus I love the Chicago connection.


Veteran Expediter
What everyone thinks, or what everyone says, we the USA managed to change our governmental leadership without a single shot being fired. The USA is probably one of the few countries on this earth that allows it's past leaders to actually live. If we don't like Obama, we'll simply vote him out in four years. If we like him, we'll vote him in for another term. BTW, Harry Truman didn't have much experience when the Presidency was thrust upon him, but he sure made a believer out of the Japanese. He stood up and was counted when it was necessary.


Veteran Expediter
It's clear you don't fear him because you agree with him. If you don't agree with him, you fear what he means to do. Yes, most of us fear redistribution of wealth. Most of us fear Marxism, also.

But to contradict what you said about fear and ignorance going hand in hand... most didn't fear Hitler. They were ignorant of the man's goals. By the time they feared him, they weren't ignorant; but by then it was too late.

Stalin is another example. I watched one documentary where they pointed out a letter he received from a wife who was pleading with Stalin to intervene on her husband's behalf. She didn't know that Stalin, himself, signed the death warrant on her husband. People back then praised Stalin as a god, when he was the murderer. THAT is ignorance.

The things in here are not said out of a need to be fearful. They are a warning that Obama associated with this group, or that person, or learned from this Marxist, or employed these tactics, or voted present this many times, or kept this and that secret about his past, or is against this or that Amendment, and so on. If you should choose to ignore these because Obama promised you this goody or that program, or these rainbows and buttercups, than either you choose to be ignorant, or you are naturally naive.

I'd venture to say that ppl who blindly follow a questionable figure are more ignorant than one who believes his rights are in danger, and prepares to defend them.

Even if I end up being wrong, I would rather be the latter.

"You can bet the majority who voted for Mc cain were up in age or full of fear and ignorance."

Trying to be as kind as I can in saying that is just wrong! That's about as accurate as me saying everyone who voted for Obama was black. Sorry... not all of us believe Obama is the messiah.
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Seasoned Expediter
I wouldn't say I'm proud right now. I would say I'm disappointed and disgusted with the people who were ignorant enough to elect him.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Did I mention the ties of Cheneys business over in Iraq or Georges oil ties.Or the several thousand americans who were killed on 911 due to hatred of George Bush.And his daddy.I could sit here and go on and on.Like I said this is one America yours mine,but in My case I am proud to see a new day in America.I am glad that my heart isnt filled with the hate of the few on here and in our great country.My freind someday you will have to confront your fears and ignorance.

When you mention the ties of "Cheneys business over in Iraq or Georges oil ties" I assume you refer to George Soros, the godfather of today's liberal movement and Barack Hussein Obama's sugar daddy. Perhaps you should check out Soros' investment portfolio - 46% of it is placed in oil and gas:

George Soros Portfolio Holdings -- GuruFocus.com

One can't help but wonder how much of his oil profits went toward funding moveon.org and other radical liberal movements supporting the Obama cause - talk about irony.

The "several thousand americans" (note the lack of capitalization) who were killed on 911 were not attacked because of "hatred of George Bush"; they were killed due to an attack by cowardly Islamic terrorists with a pathological hatred of Americans and anyone else who isn't one of them. In case you didn't keep up with their activities in the '90s, this wasn't the first attack on non-Muslims nor even the first attack on the twin towers. We all know by now the list of attacks - which by definition were acts of war - that occured during the 90's that went virtually ignored by the Clinton administration. Were these due to hatred of Bill Clinton? Due to his lack of response we were considered weak, so they kept it up. You will notice that since 911 we haven't had another attack on our soil; we took the fight to them in Afganistan and Iraq and the success speaks for itself. The Iraq war has become such a success that it wasn't even an election issue and the flare-ups of the Taliban in Afganistan will once again be put down like they were before, assuming the newly elected coward-in-chief doesn't start pulling out troops before victory is secured.

If you take the time to research the archives of this forum, you'll notice that the name calling and unabashed hatred is mostly displayed by the liberal contributors. Regarding confronting our fears and ignorance - here's a news flash: ignorance is not defined as disagreement with liberal political philosophy. However, I'll agree with you that there are some of us that will be forced to confront our fears during the next four years based on the record of this radically liberal president-elect. I hope these fears are unfounded - but I doubt that will be the case.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
I have a problem with your graph, Turtle.
Well, that's what you get for looking at the pretty pictures instead of actually reading the article, and following the links.
This ain't Playboy, ya know. :D

Is that based on popularity? Who decided who the best presidents were?
Wiki link, Wiki link, Wiki link.
Just click it. Go ahead, you know you want to.
Historical rankings of United States Presidents - Scholar surveys and Results

This graph is nothing but someone's opinion of who the best presidents are. Means two things - jack and shiite.
Presidential scholars and historians, political scientists, lots of people, thousands of them spread across time and space across several polls. That's a lot of someone's. But you're right, it's nothing but opinions. Maybe they'll call you and I for the next one. That'll learn 'em. A presidential historian, I'm not.

Anyone can make a graph saying what they want it to read.
It wounds me, deeply (look, here's a chipped bone, waaaa!) that you'd think I'd slap together just any ol' crap, pretty it up with a nice graph (that many people probably looked at and went, "Huh?") and toss it up here to make a point.
No, no, no. I just took the data, went oooh! and ahhh! a lot, and then slapped it together.

The inexperience game was played both ways. Obama had no EXECUTIVE experience, while Palin was deemed too inexperienced to be VICE PRESIDENT, although she had been mayor and governor.
Newp, doesn't matter, and I gotta graph to prove it. A really really pretty one, too. :D


Veteran Expediter
Well put Dabus.....Well put for sure!

Now lets get down to business and help our next president straighten up this mess!

Have a nice day!



Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Well put Dabus.....Well put for sure!

Now lets get down to business and help our next president straighten up this mess!

Wave a MAJIC WAND and go back to 2006-- pelousy and reik and dBb barney and dodge came to power-- then LOOK at OIL price CHARTS- then legislation(passed-blocked) and you will see what we see!! THIS MESS DOCUMENTED BY CHARTS/facts!! First lemmings have to get pass the SMOKE of liberal press!! EXAMPLE-- WHERE WAS BUSH FOR 2 WEEKS BACK IN 1900'S UHMMM- nonstop over and over?? LIBERAL SMOKE obumer press-- books written CRACK-HEAD-- nothing investigated--you been used!


I agree we have no choice but to give obama is chance, this election is just like when bush was running everyone wanted him elected and thought he was doing to make the world a better place and look what they got. now i understand the american people can be feed anything and smile its nuts obama did nothing in any office but followed a guy that hates this country and gets elected to run this country. now the ones that wanted obama to win ask your self why what does he bring to the table to turn this country around. he never changed anything while he was sitting in washington. as for his skin color no one cares, i agree we need a change but want until we have to go to war here on our land because he (obama) will pull most of the troups out and bring them home, i hope everyone that wanted obama getts what they wanted out of this election


Veteran Expediter
I don't know about you; but I'm tired of making the world a better place. I'd just like to concentrate on the good ol' USofA for once. Let the rest of the world clean up their own messes. Tell the UN we're taking a vacation (along with our membership funds). Business with the rest of the world will be conducted, as normal. But any rogue dictators will have to be dealt with by the Chinese army, for once. They need the practice anyways, if they're determined to be world leaders.


Seasoned Expediter
Each of us voted for the person(s) thay thought were best suited for the job. We all have strong feelings about our choices.

The votes were cast the choice was made, we now have to live with our choices, and hope that the checks and balances built into our government will come into play if needed.

The greedy, wealthy, paid off elected officals, along with the money grubbing COE's of big business, and the banking industry, will be the cause of the fall of this once great country. Now the auto industry wants a piece of the $700 billion bailout.

Why should we the working middle class have to bailout these leaches? The answer is simple, if we don't the country will for sure collape into the black hole of a depression the likes of which has never been seen. It will spread to every counrty in the world.

Global war, starvation, plagues will eventually put an end to the human condition as we know it today.

Yes I'm talking doom and gloom! Wake up! Stop bickering about who would have been the better prestdent, we now have a president elect.

Stand up America. Each and everyone of us needs to stand side by side and take this great land and bring it back to it's rightful palce as the greated country on earth. We can't do this if we fight anoung ourselves. Grab your neighbors hand, pull together as our fore fathers did. lets show the world what WE THE PEOPLE can do when we unite as one voice. Lets through the bought off elected officials out, lock stock and barrel.

Stand up! Lets put the ME GENERATION in the tomb.

Together we can rebuild OUR COUNTRY, not the politicians country, not the money hungry :censoredsign: mongers country. The People Country! Open your eyes, take off the rose colored glasses.

Stand up! Be counted! Be heard! Be willing to lay down your lives for Your Country!

Americans are the downfall of America. American businesses shipped American jobs overseas to make bigger profits to make the rich richer, and made the poor poorer.

This country was taken from WE THE PEOPLE and given to THOSE THE WEALTHY.

Ask yourself this question. DO I Have The Marbles To Take My Country Back? If you don't then stop complaining and surrender like the vermin you are!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Is there anyone naive or stupid enough to not have expected this?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Same ole DINOSUARS lined up behind obumer--Where's jamie gore-lick?? oh I'm sure she will head the commitee on Fannie/Fredie... CHANGE you know CHANGE SMOKE!!


Veteran Expediter
Funny. It's like the media was anticipating the best sex of their lives; then waking up and realizing what a mistake they made. :D