First of all for the record I am 56 years old and a white Male.Today I am proud of the American people.133million people voted in the elections yesterday(a record ).The people of America are so proud that every newspaper in America sold out this AM .They had to print more. People were lined up in the Streets of New York times square last night estimated to be in the thousands.In Chicago estimates today came in at 240,000 people filled the parks. People were celabrating thru out the world today.Me personalyI am very proud of President elect Obama as I lived in Chicago 40 years before moving to Wi. 16 years ago.He has a lot of hard work ahead of him trying to be everyones President ,Even all the Anti Black Good old boys from the red states.It is sad to read these and other posting and find how much ignorance, and fear still exsist in America today.
I guess That I was blessed to grow up not a hater, and treat folks how I wanted to be treated.It opened many doors were I was able to share in various traditions(holidays, birthdays ) I was also blessed to not see color but the person. I rasied my children the same.They both were given good educations, something I could not get growing up .We lived in different times then. My children done us proud One in the medical feild one a school teacher.
My wife migrated to the USA from Poland in 1978. She was a legal resident for many years until 2001 when She passed her citizen ship test,That to was a proud day to be In Milwaukee Wi and see the 100s of people who migrated here and were so proud.there ages were 16 to an 86 year old man.Most like my wife came here to escape dictaorship or poverty.Not because they are handed welfare ( another myth ) But knowing In the American Dream you can become anything you want to be.Four years ago I stood next to my wife and children and watched as she Voted in her first election with us her family. Yesterday was another proud day when we all voted for President elect Obama.We voted for change, We voted for a educated, family man .A man who worked hard to get to were he is. A man who will work hard for The Unitied States Of America.Like i once said before you judge him . Give him the same chance you gave George Bush and all of his good ole boy networth.I know its hard for some to except change,they have fears that are fueled by out and out lies.I dont sit here and cast stones at you, I sit here hoping that you may try to give our new President the chance to prove himself.Is that much to ask?God bless America and like I said in my heading I am proud to be an American.
I guess That I was blessed to grow up not a hater, and treat folks how I wanted to be treated.It opened many doors were I was able to share in various traditions(holidays, birthdays ) I was also blessed to not see color but the person. I rasied my children the same.They both were given good educations, something I could not get growing up .We lived in different times then. My children done us proud One in the medical feild one a school teacher.
My wife migrated to the USA from Poland in 1978. She was a legal resident for many years until 2001 when She passed her citizen ship test,That to was a proud day to be In Milwaukee Wi and see the 100s of people who migrated here and were so proud.there ages were 16 to an 86 year old man.Most like my wife came here to escape dictaorship or poverty.Not because they are handed welfare ( another myth ) But knowing In the American Dream you can become anything you want to be.Four years ago I stood next to my wife and children and watched as she Voted in her first election with us her family. Yesterday was another proud day when we all voted for President elect Obama.We voted for change, We voted for a educated, family man .A man who worked hard to get to were he is. A man who will work hard for The Unitied States Of America.Like i once said before you judge him . Give him the same chance you gave George Bush and all of his good ole boy networth.I know its hard for some to except change,they have fears that are fueled by out and out lies.I dont sit here and cast stones at you, I sit here hoping that you may try to give our new President the chance to prove himself.Is that much to ask?God bless America and like I said in my heading I am proud to be an American.