Search results

  1. Slo-Ride

    Why Men have dogs & not Wives

    Why Some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives: 1. The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you. 2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name. 3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor. 4. A dog's parents never visit. 5. Dogs agree that...
  2. Slo-Ride

    Mishap-Off road race course, 8 killed

    An off-road truck plowed into a crowd and scattered "bodies everywhere" moments after sailing off a jump at a California race, killing eight people and injuring 12 others, authorities and witnesses said. The crash came shortly after the start of the California 200, a Saturday evening race in...
  3. Slo-Ride

    Seek shelter before it hits

    Heres a bad deal as a group of fishmen where seeking shelter in CT. Like golfing get the poles out of your hands. Teach the young ones make em aware of this. Today's Top Forecasts
  4. Slo-Ride

    St.Joseph Mich Pier fishing report

    Made it out on the south Pier in St.Joe this past weekend.. Nailed some nice brown trout,a few white fish and 1 lil coho. Was a good time other then the wind. at times the winds felt like Gail force winds.Had to keep a close eye on our tackle boxes and chairs,it didn't much to start sliding...
  5. Slo-Ride

    First sign of spring,2010

    Geese — and then some Evansville Courier & Press In Griffin Ind. I tryed to find em this morning as I am sitting in the area..I missed the morning flight but seen alot in the air. Worth the trip if your running thru the area..Local paper says they expect em to leave sometime this week.
  6. Slo-Ride

    For the new & young hunters

    No idea how I came across this but here it is... Heck maybe even us old can lean something.. Hunter Education Course & Hunting License Test - Safety Course for Michigan Hunters
  7. Slo-Ride

    Asian Carp

    LANSING, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Michigan's Attorney General has announced a new step in the battle to keep Asian carp out of Lake Michigan. Mike Cox announced late Sunday night that his office is filing a federal lawsuit to close a shipping lock near Chicago. That lock separates Lake...
  8. Slo-Ride

    Ford Sharonville,,What Happened?

    Anyone know whats going on in the ford plant?? Anyone come forward and tell the story,,Only thing I know is a lift truck did some damage to a floor (broke thru??) and now Ford isnt letting lift trucks into the straight trucks..I do know what company it was but that doesnt matter..What I...
  9. Slo-Ride

    Waterfowl off to good start

    Blew way to much time off work and just came back last night but we did real well in the grass lake area on the ducks,,,Lots of teal and woodys...this was properly the first year we ripped so many teal off this pond..Mallards where good also but they where few in between on the opener down...
  10. Slo-Ride

    Summer is over,,time to hunt

    2 weeks away to the season opener... Got 2 fields scouted out that seem to be holding birds,, All water holes we check out are also holding birds,,with the heat we have had lately and if it continues,,it looks like we may be on the water for the opener and move into the fields if the weather...
  11. Slo-Ride

    AC condeser coils

    Just took a rock or some other road debris thru mine and had to drop 600$ have have it replaced... My Q is has anyone had any luck in getting these repaired at a radiator repair shop?..Mine took the hit right where the low pressure line goes in the side of the coil..Doesnt look like any other...
  12. Slo-Ride

    Just Pictures

    Found this on my back door ,,Think it was last summer maybe the summer before,I thought it was pretty kewl looking bug and thought Id share it..Its about the only Bug I wouldnt step on. Lunar Moth (I think)
  13. Slo-Ride

    High cost of heating got ya down

    Anyone burning firewood wood for home heating?? Need a fun day in the woods??:D:Bring the family I have a large area of hardwoods that I want cut out and will give ya the wood for free..I am not selling this I just want it gone..You cut,,, you load,,you stack the brush in somewhat of a orderly...
  14. Slo-Ride

    Horton fan clutch failures HT650

    Anyone having trouble with this fan clutch or hear of problems?? If so did ya get any help,,,(I want a different style clutch installed) My truck is on its 3rd one now in less then 2 years and have not been able to get Horton to return any calls yet:mad: Freightliner tell me they have been...
  15. Slo-Ride

    Tasty Recipes,,What do you do with your harvest

    Figured I would get this stated.. VENISON, How we fix it.. 1 whole Deer,,De boned chilled & chunked to fit into your size grinder..(Keep back straps if ya want) 2 whole pork loins..(use 1 lb pork per 5 lbs venison) 1 package of breakfast sausage seasoning,,App 3 lb bag Mix 1 tbl spoon...
  16. Slo-Ride


    Stumbled across this and thought it was interesting..Havn't read all of it yet just thumbed thru it. Peta Kills Animals
  17. Slo-Ride

    Ice out

    St.Joe Peir as of last weekend was producing little ..I know we stood on the south Peir the whole weekend and went home empty handed...Very few white fish where brought in on the lake side. No one we spoke to stated seeing any salmon in numbers yet..Water temp on lake side was 34 to 36.. River...
  18. Slo-Ride

    another newbie to the forum

    Like roaddog,,i couldnt find the introductions forum so Ill say it here.. Hi, nice site ya have here.Some good stuff here,looking foward to spending some of my parking lot time here instead of on the x-box now that i finnally have the laptop onboard.