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  1. Slo-Ride

    Weekend Weather

    Nothing we shouldn't be use to but careful not all of the idiot's have been weeded out yet with the mild weather we have had so far this winter.. As slow as it has been for some it still might be a good time to think before ya go.. Storm watch, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Weather News -...
  2. Slo-Ride

    Alabama Blitzing phones and drivers I-65

    For the 2nd day in row Al. is nailing em hard from the Tn state line to the Athens area on I-65.. At least 7 patrol cars working the area since yesterday..They are staging @ the Shell gas station exit 351..At times their is a patrolman (on the bridge) with binocoulas spotting drivers with phones...
  3. Slo-Ride

    New Years Eve,,An Outdoor event.

    For anyone Laying over or stuck in the Mid Mich area on New years eve. Usually a pretty good fireworks show at midnight.The Fireworks are shot off right downtown and ya get a really nice report from the noise bouncing off the buildings..Not a huge event but some thing for ya to do if your in...
  4. Slo-Ride

    Super Truck

    While sitting @ the coffee counter a few weeks back in Tn,This guy walks up to me and asks if I was so and so. Well it turns out we where stationed in the army together and I didn't even remember him until he started to tell me some of the things we did back then. Turns out he started running...
  5. Slo-Ride

    Congested roads

    Found this on the Weather Channel web site this morning. Nothing most of us dont already know but I find it kinda interesting and all this studying I seen no solutions. One part (report) shows amount of wasted fuel in each Corridor. Congested Corridors Report 2011 Congested Corridors...
  6. Slo-Ride

    2011 Season

    The season is off to a good start for us.While at the house this week getting the boat and p-up ready for the waterfowl season, this guy stumbled across us and my son knocked him down. Had no plans to even deer hunt this early. Kinda of a last minute thought to go out. Not a wall hanger...
  7. Slo-Ride

    Overhead Windows leaking

    It took a lil less then 4 years of service but they finally started to leak..I am talking about the tear drop shaped windows on top of the Aluim-bunk sleeper. Nothing really visible or obvious from the ground looking up at them..L/window is leaking near L/bottom,,R/window is leaking near...
  8. Slo-Ride

    Maybe better then truckstops

    I not sure many of us want to go camping to much anymore considering we do it almost everyday but below is link to state camp grounds in Michigan if you are looking for a change of pace and maybe get a lil fishing or hiking in while on layover. Im Not trying to promote spending your money...
  9. Slo-Ride

    Ice fishing

    Its that time of year again to walk on water.. Make sure ya talk about safety with the young and among your selfs each time ya head out no matter how safe ya feel..If on unfamiliar ice, drill and check thickness on your way out. Use the buddy system,walking on water by yourself is asking for...
  10. Slo-Ride

    Mich gives Free ride,,Truck drivers excluded

    More proof we are not operating on a level playing field in Mich. I may not agree with this,,but why just 1 class of ppl get this? My opinion is a cdl holder would need this break as much as a 4 wheeler..if not more Good drivers in Michigan can avoid points for minor offenses |
  11. Slo-Ride

    Smoked Meats and More

    Somewhere there was talk about wild game meats and where to get it. I just stumbled across this site and briefly looked thru it.Prices don't seem to be out of line at all. Actually seem to be very reasonable priced..for 12-15 $ a person can have a stick of meat for a week. Would be great for...
  12. Slo-Ride

    1 of Granholm last acts

    Granholm signs Mich. moose hunting law | WOOD TV8 Article states herd is app. 500 strong. With those numbers Im not sure I agree with this yet..
  13. Slo-Ride

    Canada Transforce keeps growing

    Getting to be a few weeks old in the news now but I havnt seen it posted yet..With a Dallas Headquarters this could work out good for freight going in Canada. TransForce Inc. Signs Definitive Merger Agreement to Acquire Dynamex Inc. for US$248 Million
  14. Slo-Ride

    Wildlife & YouTube or homemade video

    YouTube - Ducks blown off their feet by the wind
  15. Slo-Ride

    Weathers changing, Think Safety in ever step

    My first taste of winter came today. After arriving @ drop a few hours early instead of napping I played on the laptop waiting for reciver to open the doors. Took paperwork inside and she says dock it after i get the other guy empty..All good untill I ask if their is a public rest room. Sure...
  16. Slo-Ride

    Kitch-iti-kipi spring

    Kitchi-iti-kipi spring Located on the north end of Indian Lake in Michigans U.P. @ the Palms Book State park. Well worth the visit if ya get up that way.Wont take ya long at all to look at it and its a free visit as long as ya have state park stickers or get a day pass for parking. 45ft...
  17. Slo-Ride

    Opening Day,,2010

    I wont make it Best of luck to all heading out in the morning..Be safe up in those trees folks.. Post your body counts here as they come in..
  18. Slo-Ride

    short belting the M-2 with MBE

    After learning the hard way here is a belt # for the MBE 260 manufactured in 2006. This belt will get you off the road after a air conditioner compressor failure or pulley failure on the a/c. It took my service call 3 trips to come up with one that fits. This belt will fit over the...
  19. Slo-Ride

    Final Days for Kenosha Eng Plant

    I dropped here this morning and was told they are about 20 days from closing..I heard long ago that they where done this year. I don't like seeing anyone lose their jobs but walking out of there and back to my truck made me think whether it was self inflicted when ya put UAW in front of the...
  20. Slo-Ride

    punked by his chatroom buddy

    Watch the kid on the left chatroom cam. YouTube - Kids reaction to Hot Girls on Chatroulette is Priceless