Search results

  1. Slo-Ride

    Michigan corn mazes dedicated to sports

    Always wondered how much time and effort went into making a corn maze..These pictures show allot of planning..Some are really layed out nice. I couldn't get the link from Fox news to post here so I used the goggle link..I believe each picture has a link telling ya more and the location of the...
  2. Slo-Ride

    Getting Rid of the sign ghost. (Tip)

    After peeling the vinyl and removing the glue residue. And then trying every thing I thought would work that I had in the garage and house to clean the ghost off. Nothing was cutting the image away, nothing would clean the paint to make the old image go away..As a last resort I grabbed a lil...
  3. Slo-Ride

    Looks like the Pere Marquette is producing well

    A few family members made the trip up to the Baldwin area this past weekend. I wasnt there but good to see whats coming out of there..(1st two photos) The third one (buffalo fish) Im just throwing in here was just a news feed,I think it came out of the Kalamzoo river this past weekend???
  4. Slo-Ride

    Dead deer,,DNR calls it a perfect storm.

    This maybe the year to let the Does go. Wondering how big of effect this will have on the herd statewide. Deer Carcasses Piling Up According to experts from the the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, a viral disease know as the Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) has attacked at least...
  5. Slo-Ride

    Traveling wall..Clarksville In. untill saturday

    Something to do and check out if your in this area this weekend.!/VeitnamTravelingWallMemorial
  6. Slo-Ride

    Camo European Mount

    My brother had this done with one of his bucks from last season and just got it back last week..I think he said around 90$. Not to bad..Kinda neat. Different. Looking around I see there are kits available to do this yourself..Looks easy and kinda fun and cheap way to get some new camo in the...
  7. Slo-Ride

    I-69 closed in all directions near Lansing Mich

    Happening now and breaking news on the local channels..Just happened.Seen 1 tractor trailer and 4 wheels tangled up..No other details just yet..Avoid the area this evening if you can..Im thinking it wont be hard to go around but cant think of a route just yet. What I seen on TV it looks bad...
  8. Slo-Ride

    Cargo Theft, estimated to be 35 billion a year.

    Kinda just a reminder. Stay aware. When parking with freight on your truck don't think this wont happen. The article touches on how one carrier is reconsidering how they leave freight unattended. I think most carriers have some kinda rule in your contract as to how you are liable and under what...
  9. Slo-Ride

    Fatal deer disease found in 2 Michigan counties

    Fatal deer disease found in 2 Michigan countiesJuly 31, 2012, 7:25 p.m. EDT AP LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A viral disease that is often fatal to deer has turned up in two Michigan counties. The state Department of Natural Resources said Tuesday that deer infected with epizootic hemorrhagic disease...
  10. Slo-Ride

    TA Opens new Mich. Truck stop, I-69 & M60

    FYI TA bought up a fuel stop @ this location. Signs are up,, pumps in place and they are currently working inside the building remodeling. Parking lot is still a dust pit with some preety big holes in it but lady at fuel desk states it will be paved real soon. I cant remeber the x number but its...
  11. Slo-Ride

    A day @ the ballpark

    It was my Granddaughters birthday. My first visit to Comerica and am glad she shared it with us. She is a big fan of the Tigers and loves baseball. Also is a big fan of Prince Fielder as the sign shows. We showed up early to try to catch him coming out of the parking structure but apparently...
  12. Slo-Ride

    Veterans Traveling Wall coming to Mich in July

    Looks like events may start early July..I'm not seeing the exact date the wall will be set up but for those interested there is a drop down menu for list of activitys.. As far as I know this is the only Schedule of it coming to Mich this year..(Maybe I am wrong) Home Cost of Freedom Tribute...
  13. Slo-Ride

    End of Era..Detroiter Joins Pilot

    Not sure if anyone posted this but shop manger just told me today.. By the end of Aug of this year we will see Pilot signs here. For all you OLD folks ya better hurry up here and get 1 more day of reminiscing in. He states they are going to try to keep the set up they currently have with store...
  14. Slo-Ride

    Happy Mothers Day

    Title says it all.. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY LADIES...
  15. Slo-Ride

    No longer a spokesman in my book.

    Imainge that.. While deliverling all the concrete to his house in Homer Mich several years ago, I knew it was only a matter of time. Ted Nugent agrees to plead guilty in illegal kill - MSN Music News
  16. Slo-Ride

    Time for some fishing
  17. Slo-Ride

    Amtrak & MDOT Expediting people @ 100 Mph

    Wonder if a baggage or mail car will be attached. Wont take carriers long to figure this out for small packages. Wonder if we will see vans hanging around at trains stations soon. (Maybe its allready happening for all I know) Cutting 2 hours off the trip.
  18. Slo-Ride

    Ann Arbor Comedy Club Feb 2nd-4th

    If your in the area first weekend of Feb and need something to do for a few hours.Go see this guy. He is married to one of my neices..He has lots of you-tube out there if ya want a sneak preveiw.Below is a copy and paste with info off his F/book page and from the comedy club in AA. Dave has...
  19. Slo-Ride

    Winter X Games 2012

    Ya really need a set just to think of doing this let alone following thru with it and pulling it off. Winter X Games 2012: Heath Frisby Front Flip - YouTube
  20. Slo-Ride

    Waterfowl Opinion Survey

    The DNR says its time to rethink our seasons..Every five years I guess?? I dont remeber getting this in past years but that dont mean I didnt miss it. I get a survey most years,,just dont remeber this one. As close as I can see they are asking if we want to split up our zones and change...