Search results

  1. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    Military has been over deployed for decades. It needs to be brought home and drastically cut. This country was never intended to maintain a standing army. We were never supposed to get involved in foreign adventures. Despite propaganda and brain washing to the contrary the world ain't gonna...
  2. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    What good did a "strong military" do for us in the Bush 43 era? We still had the same wide open borders and invasions from the south that we have now. We've got an ocean to the west and east to keep enemies out. If that's not enough we have a capable navy and coast guard. To the north we...
  3. rollincoal

    Driver shortage

    Probably it would be a raise, as in better rates,for many expediters. Expediting can be had for so cheap. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  4. rollincoal


    If it was me I'd replace the governor again if it's not shutting off at 120 psi. They're really cheap only about $30 or so. You'd think it's only a year old and shouldn't need it. How it ought to be. I don't believe manufacturers have any sort of quality control on these kind of components...
  5. rollincoal


    I never have but my understanding is you can buy a kit from any dealer or parts house it has instructions and not all that difficult. Have you tried replacing the governor? Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  6. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    How can we determine if the video is real? There is no video of the actual beheading. No body. So we can just assume and put our trust in, and oh by the way, this is why we should send troops over to root these rebels out? Let me put it like this. You don't believe everything you read on...
  7. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    That was my point exactly. This is our wonderful foreign policy in all of it's infinite wisdom. Last year the rebels were our friends. This year we need to bomb them. Joe Q Public only absorbs sound bites and doesn't remember ridiculous policy reversals from one day to the next. Let alone a...
  8. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    I read an amusing article online War Propaganda Works. The polls from a year ago show 62% of Americans opposed the use of force in Syria in support of rebels while 20% supported the use of force. Fast forward to now and 63% of Americans support the use of force against the rebels in Syria...
  9. rollincoal

    12 second Duramax Chevy Express

    Hey clean out your pm's. Was trying to send you a message but your box is full.
  10. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    Why? When they were in Syria no-one thought they needed to be stopped. They were doing our work then. The good guys. How about we let people half way around the world figure out their own way? And put an end to the imperial executive in our own country. Not how it was supposed to be but our...
  11. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    Then we need to quit financing these groups directly or indirectly. It always comes back to that. The blood is on our hands for meddling in international affairs we really have no business meddling in.
  12. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    Bunch of BS beheading war hyping propaganda hysteria. They said Iraqis were tossing babies from incubators in Kuwaiti hospital before gulf war I. Was a lie. Not the first time won't be the last. ISIS was our ally in Syria now they're the bad guys in Iraq. How about we leave them to their...
  13. rollincoal

    Should we be watching our neighbors?

    If you believe in the tooth fairy maybe you should. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  14. rollincoal

    Multiple stops

    When I see multi-stop loads I see $$$$ signs because most TT drivers want the simple one pick one drop stuff. Nothing really difficult about extra stops but if someone is trying to sell me on one I act as though it is the worst headache in the world and leave the door cracked that I might still...
  15. rollincoal

    Driver shortage

    Been reading these stories ever since I started driving. Nothing ever really changes. Same stories since '00 only the numbers vary somewhat. It's alleged the end of the world. Store shelves have always and still remain full. Churn is all it's ever been because there's always been a shortage...
  16. rollincoal

    Future Sprinters

    Air ride seats make anything nice and comfy.
  17. rollincoal

    Is landstar still the leader in expediting?

    With Landstar (really anywhere) whether you're inside leased on to them or an outside carrier working with them it's all about relationships you establish and your own reputation for doing what you said you would, if you have any standards or lines in the sand - whether you get good freight or...
  18. rollincoal

    Dac report

    Might just be over filled with hub oil. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  19. rollincoal

    Surprised with a brand new truck,

    I passed the milestone 1,234,567.8 several weeks ago I have a ways to go before it's new again. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  20. rollincoal

    Allignment in Lansing Mi

    That's impressive they're known around the country and Canada like that. I know around middle TN area they're held in high regards. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app