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  1. rollincoal


    Must be somewhere in southern CA.
  2. rollincoal

    It's a Team's Life Learning Tool - Facebook Users : It's a Teams Life

    There's supposed to be rate masters or some such discussion on leveraging and getting the best rates. I just have always hated facebook, twitter seems like people put their whole life out there for the world without one thought about it. Crazy. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  3. rollincoal

    it's october where are you at!

    I ran up and down 81 thru VA once, sometimes twice a week, from TN to Jersey, etc for almost 11 years from when I first started driving. I never go there anymore. Would never book anything at any price going that route. Hate it with a passion. I've been thru more than my fair share of...
  4. rollincoal

    Accessorial pass through

    That's the difference in controlling your own destiny or not. Back when I was at the mercy of others it used to tick me off all the wasted time. Still don't like it but perspective is different when it's not really killing my earnings like it could be. The way things are nothing will ever...
  5. rollincoal

    Accessorial pass through

    It's different for me. I book and negotiate the rate on every load I haul. I'm satisfied with my rates. There's no perfect world in trucking and never will be. If you do a good job with little to no fuss then you should be commanding your rates and getting them. I hate doing examples cause...
  6. rollincoal

    Accessorial pass through

    If the rate was solid from the get go you wouldn't get so frustrated. That's trucking. The choices are someone else gets frustrated with it, it sits on the dock, or you get a fair rate. Detention, whatever it may be, is just icing on the cake. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  7. rollincoal

    Accessorial pass through

    I see what you're talking about from the brokers Charles. It almost seems like they've had a conference and agreed $35 an hour is what they're going to pay anymore. Rarely get the "what will you charge for detention?" anymore. You can head that off negotiating better detention before signing a...
  8. rollincoal


    Actually have a better relationship with the likes of TQL and CHR than anyone in sylectus network. Which is sad because really at TQL I am not on a first name basis with anyone but they have a history in their computer and they don't beat around the bush if they call me with something critical...
  9. rollincoal


    It must be a bad market. That's good for you. What gets me is demand is fairly good for trucks on truckloads yet you still have people living in a time warp from 15 years ago that $2 a mile is all a truck should ever get. They'll charge a customer $2,000 to move an expedite and act as if...
  10. rollincoal


    Maybe to the brokered carrier the rate erodes. Brokers aren't cutting customers any slack at all. With expedite they want to get things moving for ordinary truckload rates. Carriers insisting on more are considered greedy vultures. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  11. rollincoal

    Drinking beer in the sleeper berth

    Yeah they can no-one pays attention to the 4th amendment anymore. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  12. rollincoal

    Censorship at the NYT?

    ...which just goes to show you can find an answer for just about anything under the sun on EOL lol Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  13. rollincoal

    Drinking beer in the sleeper berth

    Yeah that's at least 10 years that you'd never be driving for any reputable carrier. Might get lucky and get a job driving a 1,000 miles overnight every night for 18 cents a mile at some outlaw company though. Sound like fun? Really stupid to even think about alcohol anywhere near a truck...
  14. rollincoal

    Straight Truck or Tractor

    Tractor trailer gives you flexibility. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  15. rollincoal

    Straight Trucks with APU

    Yeah I hate it when that happens lol
  16. rollincoal

    Straight truck pay per mile/ average miles a week

    OP has "miles think" very hard to make anything in this business with that mindset. Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app
  17. rollincoal

    Straight Trucks with APU

    I always avoid, if possible, parking my 18 at truck stops for mandatory 10 hr rest breaks. It's usually not too difficult to find somewhere near p/u or delivery in the industrial areas to take a rest break. I have no choice but to park at truck stops for showers but always try to do my showers...
  18. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    And so it continues. Obama will announce tonight, without the need for congressional approval, that he's going to order air strikes in Syria. Against a group armed, funded, and trained directly or indirectly by us. Ain't that just the craziest thing when you think about it? He's using the...
  19. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    I'm not opposed to war per se. Nor foolish enough to think we can all embrace and sing kumbahyah. What I am opposed to is the blatant abuse of power the executive gets away with. They can go start a war anywhere for any reason and are not accountable. It's rotten and corrupt. Not what is...
  20. rollincoal

    Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?

    Protecting our own country is one thing. Starting never ending wars against manufactured, real and imaginary, enemies is another thing altogether. It's been 25 years of on again off again with Iraq. No end in sight. ISIS, an enemy we manufactured is the pretext for invading Syria toppling a...