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  1. rollincoal

    2013 "good"rates

    Wonder what that rate sheet looks like in 2013?
  2. rollincoal

    So you are, or want to be an Owner-Operator.....Are You Prepared?

    Have felt the pain, any owner has or will at some point.. that's truckin... I blew thru $28K last fall when my motor went down and had to be inframed. Most of that was on the inframe but a nice chunk of it was also on other components that I decided needing replacing while the truck was in the...
  3. rollincoal

    Let's kick some butt! Get EXPEDITED CARRIERS listed here....

    Nothing wrong with that. I'm not knocking it. It just isn't what I look for in a carrier. I could just as easily work for certain carriers with those things and make out the same on hometime and rates, if they'd allow me the freedom to do so... Could really do that anywhere.. That's the...
  4. rollincoal

    Question Regarding Whirlwind Express

    The way I see it that extra 3% is a great return annually with very little effort.
  5. rollincoal

    Let's kick some butt! Get EXPEDITED CARRIERS listed here....

    Lengthy... was a painful process explaining why a multi-million dollar terminal with clean facilities/nice showers, a good laundry room is not anything that I would ever look for nor consider to be the attribute of a "good company"... I went into detail on many of the questions posed. that...
  6. rollincoal

    Question Regarding Whirlwind Express

    Bill, I find these comments very amusing... LoL
  7. rollincoal

    Question Regarding Whirlwind Express

    Farm2Fleet bought them out. As far as the pay issues goes or has been going with sprinters at Whirlwind I'm positive that is something which will get addressed. That would be more Bill's area to comment on. Currently at F2F contractors have 2 choices on pay. Get paid every Friday, from the...
  8. rollincoal

    Question Regarding Whirlwind Express

    It's official as of yesterday - been in the works for some time. Great news for both companies and really exciting how this business model of F2F is shaping up. Things that were a relative weaknesses for F2F will become strong points over time now that Bill and Lauren are freed up to put much...
  9. rollincoal

    I 65 NB in Alabama at a complete standstill

    I rolled thru Huntsville around 3am this morning. You could see the glazed stretches where it was obviously slick. Saw a 4 car tangle at a merge ramp onto I-565. It was near the end of 565 just before it turns into US hwy 72. That particular section of the freeway has about a 3 mile stretch...
  10. rollincoal

    2012 was great year

    It's good to know I'm somewhat on par with others doing the same thing. I must be doing something right. While those numbers are above average 53' dry van I still think they are too low and need to be pushed up more. I see no reason why it can't be better next year. My contacts with regular...
  11. rollincoal

    2012 was great year

    Great year for me in a tractor trailer 53' dry van leased on to a company. First full year hauling spot market freight almost exclusively, hauled 1 contract load, 183 from loadboards. $2.19 a mile to the truck on 76,006 odometer miles 23% of which were deadhead. Did a mix of general freight...
  12. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    What is good for a straight truck and what is bad? I don't know. All I've ever driven is big trucks. I do expedite with that and general freight too. That is what I know. However, I do have contacts who load up staright trucks too. I do know of one local straight truck expedite load that...
  13. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    You totally miss the point. I don't need schooling on math. Math is the easy stuff. Planning 2, 3, or 4 moves ahead from booking that first one, contacting people touching base, actually pulling that off with spotmarket load after load and keeping steady moving is the real work.. Doing it...
  14. rollincoal


    That's funny right there, a tad obsessive compulsive, but funny nonetheless :-)
  15. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    Sure enough John... They spend mega bucks recruiting when what they ought to focus on is recruiting business minded small business owners... The thing is a lot of owners don't understand just what it takes to get solid rates in trucking. I spend a lot of my 10 hour break studying, there's...
  16. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    You're reading something into what I posted that I didn't post. Business and personal are seperate. My point is, if the business does not make enough money to cover all business costs, and all personal costs, then have money left over at the end... is an unprofitable business... Not...
  17. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    You do it with a fleet. There's money in numbers but not a lot and the margins must be razor thin on flat rates at best. Do you 1099 your drivers otherwise I don't see how it would be possible to scrape by, and I would not want to get busted by the IRS for that trick... I'm talking about a...
  18. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    Then I see you are one of those drivers who considers 100% of any settlement check as all "profit". Profit is not what's left after fuel has been paid for driver. Profit is what's left after all fuel, insurance, plates, permits, maintinence, taxes and a reasonable comparible wage to that any...