Wouldn't surprise me if they regulated a way to keep 2nd opinions out of it, or maybe with integrated medical records obamacare the second Dr is biased as to what the 1st Dr mistakenly believed, instead of independently concluding anything.
Re: States & Provinces You've Been In
In 15 years driving tractor trailer running regional (mostly - always out from TN and back to it) have been to a lot of states but not all of the lower 48. Never been to Canada. Been to or through the following 40 states:
They should have left well enough alone. I've always been a big fan of restrictive rules that actually screwed up loads getting covered and kept trucks out of the market. Manufactured shortages of trucks and drivers by the government are just as good for business as acts of nature. Really...
It's easy to sit there and say to yourself when you're not really buying anything "I'd just spend the extra $30,000 and get new". Reality is if you're seriously about to spend that kind of money it becomes difficult to justify the extra $30,000 when the used equipment is practically as good as...
I guess after dealing with those things every day for years it just seems like ordinary routine. No big deal. Anymore with computers there's no need to worry about form/manner violations. Can count on both hands how many times I've been run thru the wringer by the DOT in about 15 years. Only...
Yeah MHC rents tractors. If you're doing 10 units at a time and have good credit then maybe you'll swing a half way decent deal. For a one truck show much cheaper to finance brand new or pay cash for old or some other alternative.
Penske, Ryder, Idealease, paclease. Very expensive way for a one truck or small fleet owner to go. Be much cheaper taking out a loan and making payments on a brand new $150,000 tractor.
That's the way everyone is being conditioned to react. Which is really the whole point of why these checkpoints exist in the interior. If you just bowl over and comply you're waiving your rights. Watch videos of people resisting. Pretty much as a matter of routine they get waived on thru...
You still have constitutional rights as a trucker. Border patrol asking you stupid questions it's your right not to answer. We don't have to tell border patrol agents who we are or what we're doing. It's none of their business period. The way I see it they are not doing their jobs at these...
Hoping for a year with lots of storms and transport disruptions. It's good for rates. Circle like a hawk or as brokers derisively say vultures. That's business.
Metro Expedite from Athens, TN is a first class company IMO. They have clean late model equipment and the professionals I dealt with brokering out freight were easy to work with. Been a long time since I've worked with them but certainly they stick out in my mind as a cut above. This just...
I'm guessing any potential terrorist would feel obliged to answer yes. Just nothing but a bunch of boogeyman scary stuff. If they were serious about security they'd lock down the border and quit unconstitutionally pestering ordinary citizens going about their daily lives in the interior.
The ability to operate my business as I see fit and the freedom to operate as if I were under my own authority. No if's and's or but's about any load offers. If I'm not interested that's the end of the discussion. I book my own freight and don't need any help with dispatching so that's a...
I-85 corridor from Charlotte to Atlanta ought to be some good expedite country. I've done a lot of expediting over that way in TT. Expedite is not a Midwest only thing. But living on coastal SC you'll definitely be eating some deadhead. Might be better to move away from there.
Hopefully that one paid you a round trip rate or it was a big loser. I won't go to Florida for anything less in a big truck and that's at my percentage leased to a carrier. They don't pay it often but when they do it's a great trip. Options back to where I want to go from FL are stupid cheap...