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  1. greg334

    presidential candidates

    Bork - after reading his position on a lot of issues, I'm glad he wasn't confirmed. Thomas? Let's see... Iran/Contra - I didn't see anything in the news about people protesting Reagan and holding up signs for his death. Starwars - Oh boy, I didn't see anyone writing how they want us not to...
  2. greg334

    Truck Backing Aid: Getting Your Marks

    In addition to Phil's post, I want to add something that may help others too. I used this to show people how to back up a truck and I used it when I was practicing with the 40 footer I borrowed. I got five cones, borrowed them from somewhere :p (you can buy them cheap). Took the truck to...
  3. greg334

    presidential candidates

    I think T-Hawk, Reagan did do very well to work with congress to get things passed from both ends of the aisle. But given the political climate of that time and the actually politicking that went on, the republicans and dems both moved forward and didn't use the hateful rhetoric we have today to...
  4. greg334

    CDL logbooks and Medical card for vehicles over 10,001# GVW

    Farmers are the only exempt group, landscapers and such need to follow their state laws, here is it simple, anything over 10k pulling a 10k gvw trailer requires a cdl and medical card. the chances of lawn jockeys getting nailed for it are slim to non-existent unless they are in a serious accident.
  5. greg334

    I need some advice on wheel bearings.

    2003 and newer used seal hubs. So replacing the Hubs and all are the only way to go. I think Moot wrote about this a while ago.
  6. greg334

    Obama to black causes,Stop crying and whinning

    I think what they are really complaining about is that Obama delivered the speech as if he was Col. Slade in a "Scent of a Woman".
  7. greg334

    presidential candidates

    What makes you think that they know or even care about a conservative winner when no one outside of Paul or Cain can't be defined as one? I think this will happen, IF someone wins other than Obama, it is not because they are better than Obama but because people fired Obama - nothing more than...
  8. greg334

    presidential candidates

    How can anyone explain a difference when there is no difference. I think both Romney and Perry are trying to out Obama obama.
  9. greg334

    Used APU

    According to CARP, the gs generator is a solution for many who want to have one but not want to deal with the diesel issue.
  10. greg334

    Woman trafficking and kipping your job

    Well as much as it seems to be a good cause, and it is, the problem is that there are two different and distinct parts to the issue, one is domestic and the other is foreign. Until we get a grip on our border, which is and should be number one for OOIDA, T/A and just about every organization out...
  11. greg334

    presidential candidates

    OK I guess, I do like it, and I am not a liberal-conservative person.
  12. greg334

    EEOC and Bass Pro

    Well finally ... whew I thought I had to keep this up all night long. The article is written in a way to make it look like there is no reason to go after these idiots but in fact when you read the EEOC's stuff, there is things in there that were done in a manner that harms not just the...
  13. greg334

    lease agreement

    Well I would go to a lawyer anyways, not knowing the relationship between you and your brother, but family can be the worse people to deal with if something goes wrong.
  14. greg334

    Name the three

    So I will disappoint you all, I'm actually happy, been happy for a while but you know I have to project a facade here for my fans.
  15. greg334

    presidential candidates

    Actually it was a good movie because it brought up a few issues about the truth in the WH, primarily the arrogance of the staff or maybe you missed that part. If you go into it with a slant on it being liberal, you will see the things you want to see but it does make a good statement about the...
  16. greg334

    EEOC and Bass Pro

    Well maybe there is some reason why I wouldn't want to be a manager for you comes to mind. but the funny thing is that you and others who defend these idiots are so far removed from the board room and the corporate office, you don't get this point - they don't care. Nope no where near...
  17. greg334

    Name the three

    Yep it seems they are ... even a good hunker won't help them relax any.
  18. greg334

    EEOC and Bass Pro

    You know layout, you didn't just miss the point, you ignored it when I slapped you with it.
  19. greg334

    presidential candidates

    Nope not one will. It is like in the movie Dave, The "president" asked the department of commerce secretary why are "we" spending $47 million on an ad campaign to boost consumer confidence in the American Auto industry, and the secretary of commerce said it "was to boaster individual's...
  20. greg334

    The Law That Governs Government

    Well I asked the question for a few reasons, Rlent may know why. One of them is the reasoning behind the conservative movement as a whole to spread democracy throughout the world, it is not limited to liberals (Wilsonian or otherwise) but invokes the question what is the real difference...