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  1. greg334

    Reagan Rule

    Wasn't it under the Reagan administration that we got screwed on our interest deductions for loans and credit cards? I think many miss an important point that no one seems to talk about often if at all in the media. People like buffet and the other people with incomes above $40m usually do...
  2. greg334

    Vehicle Maintenance Violations and Team driving

    Well it goes back to the problem facing the officers - they don't have the ability to time travel to see what the other person did or didn't do. Logs can be falsified, and with no ability to time travel the officer has to assume that everyone knew. I may be wrong but I was told you can't...
  3. greg334

    Monday Night Football pulls Hank Williams song

    Simple solution - boycott football. Lions? Didn't they do this a few years ago too?
  4. greg334

    Does FSC play a part of what carrier you sign on with?

    Well the fsc thing is a selling point to get people to sign up with them like it is free money. The line item marks - total rate really is the only thing that matters and here is why. Your company tells you that they will give you the FSC rate based on the chart of costs in different regions...
  5. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    Oh that's right throw up the slavery thing, so let's look at that for a moment. The founding fathers seemed to be split, morally and ideology on the issue, with some like Jefferson seeming not to want to free his slaves but espousing the freedoms of man. The problem is the slave, like the...
  6. greg334

    Which Way Do I Go?

    Pick one company, start with them and stick with them for a year, then ask again. You will have a completely different outlook after a year of running and more of an idea of what to ask.
  7. greg334


    Really? I think it needs fixn' Lawrence.
  8. greg334

    Knox cleared freed to return to the US

    I seem to have lost all sympathy for her and her family after reading Kercher's father's op-ed in the daily mail of which I agree with him that the celebrity status that Knox obtained through all of this is pretty disgusting.
  9. greg334

    Economy is looking better

    So seeing you are all for ignoring the constitution on matters of citizen's rights, it's alright for the BTAF to come to your house and load that ammo up in their vans to take it away from you? Right?
  10. greg334

    If You Could Change The Constitution.....

    Actually maybe it should be the opposite - anyone who serves does not get to run.
  11. greg334

    IRAN ships to protrol near american waters

    Layout, If this happens to you and you act as you say you will, now it is considered a premeditated crime.
  12. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    How can I? Realistically, how would I know when the government can or can't protect me or my family? Do you actually depend on your government to protect you from people living around you who may break into your house, do they actually setup a road block and screen everyone going down your...
  13. greg334

    Economy is looking better

    OK those are anculary jobs, and pretty much the same thing. You can take a loading dock and put three people on it with automation equipment to load and unload things and that can replace maybe 30 people. Managers? Really? Quality assurance is improved by the lack of people and the...
  14. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    Sorry but this goes back to my point - if you are going to stand on the excuses of these positions, you can't complain when someone knocks on your door and tells you to give them your firearms. It is the same thing - no difference. Your rights are the same as his rights and no matter how someone...
  15. greg334

    Economy is looking better

    Apparently you don't get this but here is a clue, the robots will have to have a limited life built in in order to sustain the jobs to build them. It is like cars, with more cars being on the road longer (once upon a time a 100,000 mile car was something to behold), there is less of a need for...
  16. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    I have come to this conclusion; When people justify one action of the government without understanding the negitive impact to all of us, then they have no place to b*tch about what other things the government does. In other words, no one can complain about the FMCSA or other organizations...
  17. greg334

    Economy is looking better

    If we go down the path of manufacturing as an important part of the economy and dump money into it which the government has been doing in the past 14 years, we have two problems which are related to each other - 1 - the jobs that are created are not going to be at the level of the recent past...
  18. greg334

    You missed me? Seriously?

    They do, I get all kinds of stuff from them in the last year. I don't recall the opt out or opt in options here but I would think it is a former thing. No biggie getting the email but to change my address here, it still doesn't seem to work and I don't care.
  19. greg334

    It's Sad What Happened at FedEx CC

    I agree with you, but to put an emphasis on it by posting it in a forum when you are not a contractor makes it look like a big deal to some. I think thank you and being treated as adults are more important issues. I only do that because I was trashed by some who think this is about post count...
  20. greg334

    If You Could Change The Constitution.....

    But as we speak of citizenship, I wonder Layout, how do think being a citizen would be under the constitution? I mean that should we look at a citizen with strings attached to it and limit their rights when there is an issue like say being born by parents who are foreign nationals while not...