Search results

  1. greg334

    Rand McNally TND 700/710 junk?

    I thought they had the best customer service in the world, call and leave a message and maybe a beta tester will get back to you.
  2. greg334

    The Obama Record - Updated

    How does one justify teenage unemployment when they haven't entered the workforce or have held a job in the first place?
  3. greg334

    Romney's Mormonism an issue

    "Romney's Mormon religion emerged as an issue at the summit, where some participants questioned the validity of Romney's faith, which some evangelicals do not consider a form of Christianity." The funny thing is some Christ based religious do not consider evangelical sect a form of...
  4. greg334

    Temp controlled market...

    God can't you read?
  5. greg334

    Another SAD Fedex driver....sob sob

    Yeppers, you are so sad and we are sad for you. What's your next step? Hanging a sign out the truck door "will work for diesel"? Yep FedEx's star contractor left and the house of cards is collapsing in on itself - so sad :(
  6. greg334

    Temp controlled market...

    OVM, there are a lot of us out here who have been doing this for a while and it seems that if you have in mind of one person who has only had one type of freight on their truck at any given time, then you missed out on the 99% of us others. With that said, Moose hit the nail on the head when...
  7. greg334

    It's Sad What Happened at FedEx CC

    So through the 110 or so posts in this thread, I conclude; that phil is upset with his plaque being tossed in the trash that fedex will be out of the expedite business soon because they have no more wall of fame to show people - like new recruits or customers - and this will cause them to...
  8. greg334


    I drove by a house outside of Ann Arbor the other day where there are two of them sitting in front of the barn and they would not fit into my pickup. I think they were taller then my van. They were HUGE! I love it when they go on sale and I can get a pallet of them for $10 - canned pumpkin for...
  9. greg334

    Recent movers to LandStar....

    Those are all great points, but I have to add something else that is triggered by this comment; "Of course, if you are continually unable to manage your time, and ability, to make on time deliveries, the agent will simply stop using you." Many drivers are incapable of adding two plus two in...
  10. greg334

    cb help needed

    A few weeks ago I was sitting in the truck stop parking spot and the guy next to me was cussing up a storm because his CB wasn't working. He was beating the mic against the dash and having a fit. He gets out and slams the door - walks to the truck stop. I went in to get my morning "health food"...
  11. greg334

    Recent movers to LandStar....

    Well logging is the least of the issues we face, but we should have a choice unless we are crap drivers who can't drive in the first place and there are a lot of them around. Well I do have a choice but it is not a big deal compared to other things that are more important. Many cry about this...
  12. greg334

    Manufacturing Jobs to Shift from China to US, Report Says

    Well when it happens, it matters, this is not something that is a trend that can be counted on at this time, our economy is not doing well, there are issues with external forces and to be optimistic while being realisitic is far more prudent than cheering on job gains that may happen 5 years...
  13. greg334

    Jerry Brown signs 'California Dream Act' into law

    I don't know about dream act crap, there is a problem with many of these invaders who are not US citizens not getting jobs when they can't produce proper ID or proof of citizenship. The other interesting thing is does it really matter, kids born to US citizens can't get the aid to begin with...
  14. greg334

    Occupy Wall Street?

    Well I see two parts of this thing going on, one is the people who are fed up with the financial institutes getting away with getting billions and making billions more and the inequity of the policies of the government to help those who are too big to fail but crap on those who actually work...
  15. greg334

    Manufacturing Jobs to Shift from China to US, Report Says

    So everyone get ready to chance your underwear over this exciting news - NOT. The problem is that this is not really important. Seriously it isn't. 3 million over 5 years amounts to 600000 jobs a year which may sound like a lot but it isn't. We need 400000 a month for at least a couple...
  16. greg334

    Temp controlled market...

    In this niche market, temp control units are under utilized and under paid.
  17. greg334

    Recent movers to LandStar....

    Well that's all good info and nothing new but the thing that isn't mentioned and should be is if you are used to the "line 5" option - off duty driving - it is not available to those who use paper logs, period. However with the EOBR unit installed, it is. Now with that said, there is a point...
  18. greg334

    Garden Corner 2011

    I may have asked this before, how many acres do you use for your garden?
  19. greg334

    McChrystal: U.S. Started War With 'Frighteningly Simplistic' View Of Country

    You know Rlent, there was some idiot candidate who made the comment that he will "ensure U.S. military supremacy worldwide" which scares the **** out of me. That one is Romney, and the comment is the most ignorant and dangerous one that any politician can make. The simplistic view of...