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  1. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    Oh and the recent SC case of Hamad v. Rumsfeld also points to the problem that the president and military acted illegally. In that case the SC ruled that every citizen has the right to a writ of habeas corpus even if they are deemed an enemy combatant. in this case, maybe a Habeas corpus ad...
  2. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    Turtle, my good shelled friend, the problem with your position is that there is a direct conflict with the AUMF and the constitution in this case and if there is a need to justify it, Obama has to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in order to justify the killing under the AUMF. In order for him...
  3. greg334

    IRAN ships to protrol near american waters

    I don't think I said they were dumb or weak. I think I mentioned that they are using technology that is behind our here but I know that they are better informed than we are as to our military. Faith in our military to protect our country, yep that's what I said and I stand behind them to do...
  4. greg334

    Tax payer funded sex changes

    What is worse... A tax payer funded procedure and follow ups or a state mandate that all insurance companies have to provide that procedure and follow ups?
  5. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    What is a war on terror? How do you have a war on terror? who fights that war on terror? Do you know that we haven't declared a war on terror? Do you also know that having the FBI search through your records, wire tap your phone and read your email doesn't make you any more safe just as...
  6. greg334

    Islamist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen

    Where did he vote for what bill and when? He, like most other in congress didn't vote to hunt down US citizens, no matter how you want to believe that. He voted for the hunting down of Osama Bin Ladin and people within his organization that are not US citizens. BUT here is the thing, al...
  7. greg334

    Genius .... and Boobus .....

    Well compromising is what is being done with the tea party people - at least a number of them who can't seem to get their message across by being part of another party. This is also where Palin is sitting, she has to compromise in order to move her agenda ahead and fight the established old...
  8. greg334

    DT 530 engine

    Get both your serial number on your engine and the number on the ECM and that of the other engine and call any international dealer, give them the numbers and to ask them if it can work.
  9. greg334

    Great News!

    It is a great thing when people hear, got to take care of your hearing. The use of microelectronics in the medical world has made leaps and bounds and this is just one of many examples of how it has helped people. shouldn't this thread be moved?
  10. greg334

    Vehicle Maintenance Violations and Team driving

    Actually it makes perfect sense, each person is responsible for that truck when they operate it and if there is something that is not corrected when they are driving it, they are responsible for documenting it at the least on their logs. The DOT has to assume it is a problem that both knew...
  11. greg334

    More value than just a truck…

    Maybe I am looking at the title of the thread as literal but I don't see the value of having a company or the idea of an asset as a purpose but a part of the business. What I mean, as I wake up, is that the assets that you count as a value are intangible, but those assets you see - like the...
  12. greg334

    IRAN ships to protrol near american waters

    Also in your job, you looked at worst case situations with a limited amount of resources at hand, a lot of things have changed but what hasn't is the fortitude of people in the face of a disaster. I know exactly what you are talking about and this is part of the problem when we speak of...
  13. greg334

    Canadian Commentator Gets It Right

    BUT all the service to his country is meaningless when he advocates allowing people who invade our country citizenship on the basis it is the politically expedient way to solve a problem the government created in the first place. And as a so-called leader, he went on the defensive when the...
  14. greg334

    IRAN ships to protrol near american waters

    That's not the EMP and that is a worst case scenario. Likeliness of more than a million people being killed as a direct result seems to be a more realisitic figure, this includes those who are dependent on a stead flow of electricity to stay alive. I wouldn't put it past Iran to do something...
  15. greg334

    ACLU: Killing US born al-Quieda

    It wouldn't matter where he was tried, I think the military court is off limits for him because he is a citizen and not a military member. As some are making him out to be, a combative, he doesn't even come close to falling under that definition - he is a citizen. The thing is he is a citizen...
  16. greg334

    Islamist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen

    Yep I figured that. SO it is, we trash what is there to protect in order to be vengful because people want to kill us because we demand that they play by our rules. Just finished reading 7 days in May, maybe it is an appropriate book for these times as it when it was written. The warning is...
  17. greg334

    October Locations

    At home and amazed no one stated this at Midnight.