Tax payer funded sex changes


Veteran Expediter
:D Considering the fact most health insurance companies still won't cover a berast re-construction surgery after a woman has a masectomy from breast cancer through no cause of her own
were talking abbout making a woman whole again not vanity
but phychological and pysical impact.
As a New York state resident as well as an Americian there is no way my tax dollars or anyones tax dollars should pay for some degenerate to change his/her/its, plumbing.....
Do I see the potential for common sense in albany?
Thank You Andrew Como.
B.T.W. men do get breast cancer and are more likely to die from it than women pleas guys and girls get educated, examined, and pass it on. the life you save may be your own or somone you love.

Im Outa here

Bob Wolf


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Liberal heads will be exploding. The ACLU will be apoplectic. Common sense has at least temporarily prevailed.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
if one wants a sex change, just hit a pot hole in Ohio and u will get ur sex change, and when u hit the 2nd pot hole, u will get it change back ............lmao:D


Veteran Expediter
What is worse...

A tax payer funded procedure and follow ups or a state mandate that all insurance companies have to provide that procedure and follow ups?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
How about the sensible thing? Pay for it yourself if you want it or you don't get it.