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  1. P

    Does work for you?

    picky picky, knew it was some kinda triangle shape :p
  2. P

    Search Function

    Ya, you crack me up too
  3. P


    I wanted to start a new thread, and include a pic, and ask for others.. I've seen others try to post a pic in the body of their post, and it hasn't been viewable. Just wondering if there is a way to do this? It says 'insert image', but it needs a website location to get it from? Can't just...
  4. P

    Search Function

    Thanks for the tip about using the quotes, that was a good one! Not sure what you are meaning by using 'they', do you mean.. look up.. "c & M they"? It sucks that you can't look up at least an official carrier's name to get feedback and info on a specific carrier, just becuz carrier...
  5. P

    Canada adco??

    Who are you with now, and what are you driving?
  6. P

    Courier to Expediting???

    Do you mind saying who your carrier is? It might help others to know.
  7. P

    Canada Crossing the border!!!!

    Husb also said same thing re Livingston, always problems with them.
  8. P

    Canada Crossing the border!!!!

    One little thing wrong along the chain, and it can hold you up for hours. One time husb heading to border, something wrong with paperwork, hadn't cleared, had to sit and wait for hours for it to be resolved, still on duty waiting, took so long he wasn't able to make the next leg of his trip...
  9. P

    Your Truck Was Observed...

    What did I miss? I didn't see anything about cameras on the back of AT's truck, recording all the time? Or was that another post, and doesn't have anything to do with the 'monitor' reporting the truck behavior to the carrier?
  10. P

    Does work for you?

    Go to your edit signature box; in the icons above the place where you type, pick the one that looks like pyramids, it will ask for an http address, copy the http www address that lawrence gave, into it; then keep the sig pic that you already have. C'mon try again
  11. P

    oh boy

    D*mn, can't see the pic!
  12. P

    Does work for you?

    Ok, I tried to get a second logo, it won't work.. what did dcalien and terryandrene do to get a second one in there? I'm editing this becuz I figured it out; In the place where you type in your signature line, 'insert a picture', and use the www address Lawrence gave for the EO logo; then...
  13. P

    Expediters Going Hungry, For Real

    I completely agree with the fact that the carrier has the ability to control your destiny, when you're reliant on them alone for any load opportunities. Also agree that one must keep their business expenses down as low as possible. I was more agreeing with TH above, and more referring to those...
  14. P

    Your Truck Was Observed...

    Yes, I wouldn't doubt the 1-800 #'s get a LOT of calls from angry drivers who have no respect for trucks. Hopefully the companies have learned to take any reports with a grain of salt, like yours did. In the past year when I was driving my vehicle (not a truck) home, on the highway, I can't...
  15. P

    Try Hours

    That is a GREAT idea, it's undoubtedly worth the time and fuel to get some first-hand, real-time feedback. If I were one to wish, I would wish we had done that before signing on with anyone!
  16. P

    Expediters Going Hungry, For Real

    We're still new here, listening to the different opinions and banter, but I have to say that I'm finding it disturbing at times, how some look at profitability. I know I should probably keep my mouth shut because I don't feel like being attacked, but I can't help myself :eek: Personally, I...
  17. P

    Try Hours

    Husb is not with TryHours, however he doesn't get that info (ever) either; ask to see an actual qc load opportunity, sometimes it appears recruiters don't seem to know everything that goes on. Other times, they're not always available to go back to, after the fact.
  18. P

    Your Truck Was Observed...

    That's kinda scary! Just wondered if it was just like a 'fill in the blanks', form letter (fill in date, speed, etc), or did it say anything else, like.. congratulations for being within.. or better watch how close you follow.. or any kind of comment from the company? I always see stickers on...
  19. P

    What does all this mean?

    Thanks for all that info, I think that just about answers all the questions! Now for one more that isn't really pertinent to anything.. but what is that 'digg this thread', and 'delicious'.. stuff all about?
  20. P

    What does all this mean?

    While we're on the subject, I was also noticing that some threads have 'ratings', like 'sticky', or 5 stars for example.. wondered how a thread gets rated, and by whom?