Try Hours


Expert Expediter
Anyone here with Try Hours driving a cargo van? I would be based out of Dayton, Cincinnati area in Ohio. I have done the searches here for Try Hours but seems most posts are older. Was wondering if they get many loads out of Cincinnati, Dayton area and any other info u may want to share


Veteran Expediter
I have one van leased to them.I don;t like their system.They have mostly small loads 1-200 miles,the fuel surcharge is BAD.When they ofer a load they don't tell you how much will pay,the fuel surcharge etc...Sometimes they give you a long run 5-600 miles but after that you have to wait 3-4 days for a come back load or you have to go back in OH area on your own.I not recomand them....I keep my van there because my driver can not qualify to Panther ....


Expert Expediter
I talked with a recruiter there, he said they give that info on the qualcom about pay n surcharge. would he lie about that?


Veteran Expediter
I talked with a recruiter there, he said they give that info on the qualcom about pay n surcharge. would he lie about that?

Husb is not with TryHours, however he doesn't get that info (ever) either; ask to see an actual qc load opportunity, sometimes it appears recruiters don't seem to know everything that goes on. Other times, they're not always available to go back to, after the fact.


Expert Expediter
I even made a point of asking if they tell what the pay was cause the small company i work for now doesnt show u the pay, but then they only use nextels.


Veteran Expediter
I even made a point of asking if they tell what the pay was cause the small company i work for now doesnt show u the pay, but then they only use nextels.

They have internet loads....First they call you and ask you if you want the run.If you ask about fs or pay the answer is we don't know yet.If you say yes (what can you do after 1-2 day of nothing) they bid on the load and after that they send you the info .


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Depending on how far you are located from Try Hours office, why not drive up to the office. You will most likely find some Van O/O waiting for some freight. Talk to a few of them.


Expert Expediter
Im a couple hrs away, Im in the Dayton Ohio area, plus i work for another company right now, but if i get something to run up that way i will stop in


Veteran Expediter
Depending on how far you are located from Try Hours office, why not drive up to the office. You will most likely find some Van O/O waiting for some freight. Talk to a few of them.

That is a GREAT idea, it's undoubtedly worth the time and fuel to get some first-hand, real-time feedback. If I were one to wish, I would wish we had done that before signing on with anyone!


Seasoned Expediter
Oilerman never see them from boston to ny the lanes I run,they must be like winning lottary tickets,I think I saw one once i asked him how it was he said suuuks!!!!!!!!!!! not much help sorry dave.


Seasoned Expediter
having never run for them i don,t have any personnell experience but from all i hear i would not reccommend them had a freind that ran for them for 9 month he said pretty much anytime he left Ohio In. or Mi. he had to come back empty if your looking for a smaller company that is alittle more personnel then the cat or fed ex try Bolt Express or maybe Express 1


Veteran Expediter
I worked for Try Hours years ago. I liked it but it was totally different then than it is now. The people who ran the company then now run PTL. Ya might wanna give them a call.

Also, if you're not already doing it, the best place IMO to find out about other companies is at the shipping/receiving docks when ya see other drivers. I always try to ask a question that isn't to nosey. Something along the lines of "how's your company treating ya?" seems to work. Then let them say whatever they're comfortable w/. I found out about my current company by doing that.

Take care,


Expert Expediter
Thank you all for replying. Havent heard much good stuff about Try Hours so far {is there any?}. Looking for all opinions here so keep em coming guys.


Seasoned Expediter
I drove for them for three mos. I do not recomend them. They never get you back outside of IN, OH, IL, or MI. I sat for 5 days in VA and had to dead head home on my own money. They also seem to find an expense for every dime they owe you when you quit. Like they charged me for insurance in Dec. even tho I quit in Nov. She told me they pay on the 15th of month. Still waiting on Escro money. She can't even tell me how much I have coming back. Also last few statements were scribled in with pen for expenses....hmmm anyone else feel they've been ripped off please contact me to file a class action lawsuit. Going it alone isn't worht the court fees.