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  1. greg334

    "Liberal Art" OR

    That is not costing Detroit a dime, it is your federal tax money at work through the ADA and TARP money. I had to have my lawn tore up in order for them to put these money wasters in and my lawn is still a mess because of them. They did half the sub and left those who complained about them...
  2. greg334

    A Babbling Lunatic

    I saw a 3 minute montage of Biden making bizarre comments and thought they did a great job with that but then someone pointed out that it wasn't "lip synced" but his actual comments as he made them - making Cain's look coherent.
  3. greg334

    CARB- reffer / truck timeline reminder.

    Here is a good example of what the OOIDA should be going after, a state is restricting commerce by imposing rules and regulations that prohibit an out of state truck to enter it for reasons other than safety.
  4. greg334

    Wytheville, TA

    I hope they also clean the kitchen up a bit, the last time I eat there it wasn't the best experience I had - let's leave it at that.
  5. greg334

    GOP spin funding tall tales

    Well there is a lot to be said about the republicans and most, if not all the criticism is justified.
  6. greg334

    AC, CableTV, Xbox: What is Poverty in the U.S. Today?

    You know when people are without options then it is a problem but today, there are too many options. The real problem is a lack of opportunities and that is a completely different issue - because most do not understand or want to make their own. With that said, taxes are not as high as they...
  7. greg334

    GOP spin funding tall tales

    It is not the federal governments job to build roads or give the states money to build roads - period! you know I think that EO is getting a bit boring, now they have an all caps preventer?
  8. greg334

    Hos force Majuer?

    Just a reminder, the adverse weather exemption is important to understand. Section 395.1(b)(1)(b) Adverse driving conditions. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, a driver who encounters adverse driving conditions, as defined in §395.2(SEE BELOW), and cannot, because of...
  9. greg334

    So Lahood back stabbed us now with the Mexicans

    I don't know about people being illegal but invasion yes. Every country has the same problem, Mexico and Canada too. Even the Swiss and Italy deal with their invasion (Africans and Eastern Europeans) but they can do it a bit harsher than we do while they do criticize us for it. No matter how...
  10. greg334


    Well I have to ask, did it work for us so far? I don't see much in the way of changes with all these people voting because most of them have short memories or can't stand on any one conviction for long. An awful lot of them make those who we elect more important than they are and even now I...
  11. greg334

    Sterling SportChassis Or Peterbilt 330 crew cab Fuel Mileage??

    Never seen one so I don't know if they come with a sleeper or not.
  12. greg334

    Moving west

    Well OK I guess if you want to have it that way, I then contend that if they can't figure out what is what, they have no business telling me I can't fill in my 80 acres of "wetlands" because to me they can't tell what is or isn't wetlands. :p
  13. greg334

    Moving west

    According to the US census it is still part of the midwest.
  14. greg334


    Well I've said it a lot of times, we don't have poor in this country, we have rich poor. Even places like England and Europe don't have poor which is really something that is ignored. I won't say much about the OWS stuff other than I think there is a group within some of these protests that...
  15. greg334

    So Lahood back stabbed us now with the Mexicans

    I don't see much in the way of Canada or Mexico offering to drop their tariffs but it is usually being ask of the US to drop theirs. It still amazes me with some who think that it is all about manufacturing, or assembly, when they don't get how the business cycles work, how we have been in a...
  16. greg334

    Moving west

    I thought SD was still part of the mid-west?
  17. greg334

    Sterling SportChassis Or Peterbilt 330 crew cab Fuel Mileage??

    If you are getting 12 to 15, stick with the dually. The others if they get 10, you are lucky. The offset in the cost of fuel alone would justify not getting a bigger trailer or upgrading to a larger truck. 2 to 5 miles per gallon over 100k a year adds up to a lot of money. The gearing is set...
  18. greg334

    Wal-Mart, and Prescriptions on the Road

    Well there are a few things about walmart that people need to understand. First each store deals with the local drug distribution centers themselves, the reason for the transfers of scripts. Second in dealing with the local drug distribution centers, they also negotiate the pricing and...
  19. greg334

    You’re going to tow my truck where?

    Nope you got to find your own. Well that doesn't always work, especially when you are dealing with say NYC police department or LA. The smaller communities and areas it may.
  20. greg334

    CB/HAM 2 meter band Ham radio

    I'm not into everything but been doing the ham thing for a while. There are others here who may be a bit more active than I am. Oh by the way, if you want to do something different, check out and listen in. If pa3fwm's site is up and running, it is based in Europe and you can hear...