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  1. greg334


    OK first thing is the shipper is not required by law to give you placards, if they don't have them, then you have to note it on your paper work and get them. You as the driver have to ensure that the proper placard is used, which means you have to get it if they don't have it or refuse the load...
  2. greg334

    Lobbyists invade the holidays.

    Here's a solution, get rid of the ag department. End all the problems.
  3. greg334

    Iran won't retreat from nuclear path

    Wow Rlent, asking for help? You feeling ok? With that said, many of you don't get it. We can't go and do anything preemptive unless we have China and Russia agreeing to it - period. France and Germany (who happen to be part of Nato) will more or less refuse to get involved because EU oil...
  4. greg334

    Mississippi voters reject life at conception amendment

    You know, there was a case that was brought to the feds I think over marriage, the state of california had an amendment to their constitution that was added to it and the federal courts struck it down, in affect trashing the 10th amendment. The same thing will happen here unless the states...
  5. greg334

    The Cain Mutiny

    OK I guess. I see the dems don't want this guy to run and I think it was one of the Dr. Alveda King who came to Cain's defense when they said that the issue at hand for the dems is putting one black who actually went through the civil rights period growing up and working towards success against...
  6. greg334

    Ron Paul: Befriend Iran.....

    You know I guess no one can understand that there is a made up word for countries that don't comply with other countries demands - rouge nation. Iran is not a rouge nation, Somalia is for the most part. You know what the difference is?
  7. greg334

    Paterno should be canned.

    Thank God they fired him. I think it just went from really bad to better than that. Offering to resign at the end of the season was an asinine move and showed me that his contempt for the issue and the victims. Actually it shows exactly what's going on, they are looking as many of us do...
  8. greg334

    Ron Paul: Befriend Iran.....

    Apparently you don't actually talk to too many Iranians. Sanctions don't really stop them from living and the power is not in the hands of the president but the ruling council of Iran which have openly said they are not supporting some of his actions and rhetoric. If we are to think we can...
  9. greg334

    Paterno should be canned.

    the first thing that comes to mind is the big deal made out of protecting a football coach who is no one important. The second thing that he should be asked is if he and others should be held accountable based on a moral obligation. In this case, using the excuse to cover his a** that he did...
  10. greg334

    The Cain Mutiny

    Cheri, There is something about your last set of comments that worry me. I don't know what it is but I have to tell you that sexual harassment is not abuse, rape or assault, it is on many levels a conceived notion based on being offended if it is not actually being a situation where one is told...
  11. greg334

    Paterno should be canned.

    I'm sorry if this ruffles feathers but this is a football coach who has made a living at playing a kids game and nothing more than that - his integrity is as important as that of the guy at the donut shop.
  12. greg334

    Russia warns against Iran attack

    Well that's all good and well but it has little to do with the present situation and the fact that when people point to chamberlain as a failure, they either don't know the context of the times or the situation which this has taken place. The facts don't seem to be told, England, like the US...
  13. greg334

    Work in Progress...

    Long way to go. Doesn't FedEx do that amount of sales in a week and Landstar in a month?
  14. greg334

    2006 or older...Banned from LA ports

    I thought the ports were actually under federal control, seeing we subsidize all of them and force them to have uniformed policies and regulations so it should be the feds job to decide what goes into a port and what doesn't. I only see the hassle of having to service these ports with specific...
  15. greg334

    Freight Index Slides 9.9 Percent in October

    The funny thing is, talking to an "expert" last night who works for one of these companies advertising here, he asked the same thing I am going to ask; what is expedite freight, because it isn't what it was two years ago. So when we see these stats without a clear understanding what actually...
  16. greg334

    Lets get them trucks off the road....

    Ah... behind the times there OVM? CSX has their own trucks running from hub to hub and hub to PoP in the last couple years. Container freight is starting to ramp up and because of the amazing fact that we are restricted by states on the subject of interstate commerce, with either ancillary...
  17. greg334

    Russia warns against Iran attack

    It won't matter, with even Libya we (the allies) had people on the ground. Iran will be worst than Iraq for us and it will fracture what little credibility we have with the rest of the Middle East. Not only that, there is an issue of real terrorism being triggered by any action against them of...
  18. greg334

    Russia warns against Iran attack

    No they haven't. They started to gain a foot hold with Iran only in the last 24 years. What worries me is the level of immaturity in this country over going to war with another country that is no real threat to us at this time. Let their own people sort it out, we have proven to the Iranians...
  19. greg334

    Detroit Lions Only NFL Team To Lose Money

    But the funny thing is, you too are paying for it, not as much as I am but enough - do the research.
  20. greg334

    Question on yearly net income.

    WHAT!?! You driving 40,000 a month?? If you are doing 8k changes, you are wasting so much money.