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  1. greg334

    New guy.

    OVM First off there is nothing wrong with questioning, discussing or even criticizing something you don’t understand or want to learn about. As I told a relative from Croatia who came here a couple years ago don’t hesitate to ask or even complain about something, it triggers discussion. Many...
  2. greg334

    Forklift Drivers

    Well A long time ago when I was at the GM tech center visiting there was an accident in the lower level where they built the prototype cars. A lot of blind corners, no mirrors around and no horns were used at that time. someone on a lift was flying at a high rate of speed, cut a blind corner...
  3. greg334

    If I am elected president....

    I find the campaign comments that Obama has made is, well out there. He has made a few statements about what he will do when he is president abot ethics issues which forces me to ask why doesn't he do this now as a senator?
  4. greg334

    Documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Canada

    RE: Documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Ca “We need to stop this administration from doing anything. They have a history of making rash uninformed decisions.†Brenda, you are partially right on this but to be 100% correct you need to include every senator and congressman in office...
  5. greg334

    Hot Fuel

    You know that what they are talking about in cost? It is not a lot of money for each pump. The thing is the despensing equipment manufacutures already had this option for years but most of the stations and companies never ordered it. The device they need to install measures the tempature after...
  6. greg334

    Six States Defy Law Requiring ID Cards

    I think that we need to go to a simple rule to identify people who ARE NOT citizens on every peice of government issued IDs. I don't agree that the states should not harmonize their record systems because they hav eno money, which this is all about. I mean that keeping the information...
  7. greg334

    Constitutional law: the five-minute crash course

    RE: Constitutional law: the five-minute crash cour Oh the humanity. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. – 9th amendment The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor...
  8. greg334

    Documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Canada

    RE: Documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Ca OVM, I sort of agree with you, but truthfully Canada and the US have more in common than do we (Canada and US) have with Mexico. Language is one factor that divides the two, but history is another, seeing Canada and the US were one time a...
  9. greg334

    Documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Canada

    RE: Documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Ca "The world is changing and the euro market thing has done many good things for their mfg sector. Free trading and open marketing, same currency has made doing business in europe a lot easier." I hear free trade, open market? Rob, take a...
  10. greg334

    RV advice: 'Making a U-turn is a nightmare'

    I think that this says it all - Mike Marriner, cofounder, PBS series "Roadtrip Nation"
  11. greg334

    Cat 3126

    I think the 3126 was never intended to be a long life motor. The one's that I have seen in motor homes seem not to last either. As for sleeving the cylinders, it depends on the skill of the person doig the work. I have had older (antique) engines sleeved but the guy doing the work did nothing...
  12. greg334

    box trucks

    Depends on the company, either a 16 ft or 28 ft. Nothing less than 16. Diesel, no doubt, Diesel.
  13. greg334

    rattle. rap...and drip drip drip goes the water...

    RE: rattle. rap...and drip drip drip goes the wate KG, Can you find any 3126 anywhere? I would just stick an engine in it to get it back on the road and home.
  14. greg334

    Hot Fuel

    Two things; 1 - I filled up with a cold truck, fuel in my tanks were the same temp as the air. Filled them to the top, can see the fuel. The pump handle was very warm. I later drove off and my fuel gauge showed I didn't fill the tanks all the way. 2 - don't care about the issue other than...
  15. greg334

    Panther and UPS Part II

    Company bashing? I guess if that is what you all say is what I am doing?!? Well read what I said A G A I N, because I don’t see it as company bashing and not very many people seem to understand what I am saying, so I may be a little defensive in this post. First off Panther is good to the...
  16. greg334

    Court rules truckers must be paid OT

    OK so what does this all mean for me?
  17. greg334


    "Relent: the crate was the engine which is nestled down the bottom portion of the crate most of the weight would have been center of box and below. The rest is all filler." OVM, it was not near the bottom, it was very top heavy because it was on a rack when they unpacked it, pretty cool. It was...
  18. greg334

    'nother computer question

    Terry, I find it highly improbable that starting the van would cause the hard drive to take a vacation, the inverter should not have given any spike unless it is a cheap one made in some far-a-way land where they still don’t have running water. The inverter should handle the fluctuation or...
  19. greg334

    You think it is hot where you are?

    I sat in SLC with the temp being 100 degrees, sweating in my truck but walking across the parking lot entering the truckstop dry. I sat in the desert in Africa when it was 115 degrees in the shade for four days. But I never was in the Middle East in the desert carrying gear...
  20. greg334

    Panther and UPS Part II

    Like I said before, when you talk about large companies like UPS, FedEx and DHL this market is rather small and in some ways insignificant to them and they don't think logically. They see it as part of a 'package' of services that they can offer to a customer, not as a main stay as part of their...