Search results

  1. Doggie Daddy

    Electric fan conversion

    We've been there done that and got the damage estimates to prove it, so we spend very little time in the truckstops, and NEVER overnight in them. The last time we were hit was in the RV lot at the Baytown J by a hit and run truck so we stick to Cracker barrels,wally worlds and Sams clubs...
  2. Doggie Daddy

    Electric fan conversion

    Hard to believe,he has gone over to the "dark side".:D
  3. Doggie Daddy

    Speaking Freely on EO

    I'll take about a dollars worth of that, you are a **^#@!! and a *#@% and also a %*#@ and not to mention a !#%** and a **^#@. :D
  4. Doggie Daddy

    Electric fan conversion

    Rocketman is a "vannie" now ? :eek::eek::eek:
  5. Doggie Daddy

    Electric fan conversion

    I google'd electric fan conversion kits and tons of stuff came up. Try searching for FF dynamics as that is one company that talks about installing electric fans on city plow trucks with diesel engines. You were considering this setup for your straight truck weren't you?
  6. Doggie Daddy

    Speaking Freely on EO

    Guess it is up to Davekc to carry the Panther pom poms alone.:D
  7. Doggie Daddy

    Moderator Changes

    Yes Dale, there is drama, mystery,conflict and humor. I think alot of the humor is in the classifieds. ;)
  8. Doggie Daddy

    Speaking Freely on EO

    Pretty good time there Dave, he was banned in 42 minutes.:D
  9. Doggie Daddy

    Speaking Freely on EO

    There is not gonna be a next time for you, at least with the screen name you are using now.
  10. Doggie Daddy

    Speaking Freely on EO

    Thanks for answering my question. Enjoy your short stay here.
  11. Doggie Daddy

    Speaking Freely on EO

    So which nutjob are you?
  12. Doggie Daddy

    Speaking Freely on EO

    Lawrence,you have to get out more. The speed limit in some parts of Texas is 85. :eek:
  13. Doggie Daddy

    So much choices......

    This is the GOOD times? :confused::eek::confused::eek:
  14. Doggie Daddy

    Caffee's Cascadia

    Since Bentz is no longer making sleepers, what is the nameplate on this sleeper? Bolt ?
  15. Doggie Daddy

    done with FedEx Custom Critical

  16. Doggie Daddy

    done with FedEx Custom Critical

    Sticky enter key. :D:D
  17. Doggie Daddy

    Friendly Warning on Fleet

    Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on if the admin and mods want to "protect" a "regular" member.
  18. Doggie Daddy

    EBORs Who Else is Disturbed by this Infringement

    Or whatever your "magic" pen wanted it to be. :rolleyes: