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  1. greg334

    lift axle

    Thanks, so then where is the lift axle located? yes. You still have to be careful of the weight on the front axle. The reason for my above question - if the lift axle is near the other ones, you "can" put a too much weight on the front axles but if the lift axle is towards the front of the...
  2. greg334

    Ron Paul, the isolationist

    But wheres the weakness with Paul? I don't see it. I see a weakness of the american people not to control their government, as in Libya and maybe the up and coming Syria conflict being the biggest threat to our security. But outside of that, I see that Iran is being discussed in a propaganda...
  3. greg334

    Current candidates ratings on gun rights

    Can you imagine if Paul gets to repeal the GCA of '68 what that would do?
  4. greg334

    Ron Paul, the isolationist

    I would agree with you and would be voting like you but I'm afraid that someone like Romney would end up being as bad if not worse than Obama because now he has to pay back the same type and in a couple cases the same people that obama had to pay back. As far as the constitution is concerned...
  5. greg334

    More Gov. intervention-1st they take our kids.

    Actually it does when you come down to it. The public school system should be the village school system run and overseen by those of the village for the village's betterment. The village is responsible for those kids because the village is raising those kids, not some state agency. No...
  6. greg334

    Ron Paul, the isolationist

    Thanks Chef, that was a really good point. But I wonder out of the field that are running to be that nominee, which one is can not be any worse than Obama?
  7. greg334

    Somebody please explain, cuz I sure don't get it

    I know what its called but the problem is we have been living in a dumbed down society for too long and analogies are just as useless as the misinformation that we have had to live with - mainly presidents are kings and they "run" the country. This has been the common misconception and even here...
  8. greg334

    Is this it for Ron Paul?

    Rlent, I had an interesting discussion with some Army guys yesterday who could not understand Ron Paul, by the end of the discussion and thanks to that horrid apple product I had with me, I showed them why they need to take a serious look at Ron Paul. The reason I bring this up is they were...
  9. greg334

    January 2012 Locations

    Good for you, I'm up 13 pounds from all this sitting and working on the computer. So if you want to know where it went, it came here.
  10. greg334

    Article-restaurants to expand into truck stops

    Wasn't somewhere a discussion of portion control? If you have a BIG POT of soup, most people who can't figure out that they need to put some away will eat it, especially those who figure they need that TRUCKER SIZED meal. By the way veggie soup sounds good.;) Yep let's promote dancing in...
  11. greg334

    New Load-1 Driver

    Where is Nathans?
  12. greg334

    Is this it for Ron Paul?

    If you think that leadership qualities are based on what he garners in congress, then you are ignoring the other 99.99% of the other followers. The thing that I see is if he wants to compromise his convenctions then he would garner those followers in congress. As for those giving their lives...
  13. greg334

    Is this it for Ron Paul?

    So to sum up my point, I served my country by participating in the process as a responsible citizen. But layout the problem that you don't seem to get (even though I understand your point) is Paul has been consistent in not just his message but his actions, which to me as if he has more...
  14. greg334

    lift axle

    Straight truck with how many Axles it has?
  15. greg334

    More Gov. intervention-1st they take our kids.

    Solution => end public schools
  16. greg334

    Is this it for Ron Paul?

    and it should not Military service is not a precursor to leadership.
  17. greg334

    Somebody please explain, cuz I sure don't get it

    I like what you are saying but the problem is we don't elect captians, we elect a president who is not a king or a captian.
  18. greg334

    Is this it for Ron Paul?

    Layout check out this link
  19. greg334

    New Load-1 Driver

    Think nathan's
  20. greg334

    Is this it for Ron Paul?

    But layout where is there anyone who isn't all talk? Whats amazing is that proof isn't what one does in this political world but what one doesn't do