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  1. greg334

    Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina

    So there are just two random thoughts ... Their religion? Does that mean they follow something like scientology? where is that forgiveness and repentance stuff in regards of defining marriage and other social issues where they are trying to tell everyone what they can and can't do.
  2. greg334

    New update

    You know I don't mind some ads but I'm not looking to go to another company so they are on the edge of annoying just short of causing the visit to be a bit frustrating.
  3. greg334

    New update

    Well one of the problems I am having is that quick launch bar that just appeared. It not only causes a long load time but when the mouse comes close to one of the buttons, it pulls an ad up.
  4. greg334

    How to think about p!$$!ng on the Taliban

    Sorry Jim but we stopped fighting a war a while back. No matter how one wants to say it is, we are fighting an enemy who is part of the population and now nearly impossible to stop. No disrespect to those who are over there/here and I know all too well what the outcome has been but it isn't...
  5. greg334


    What's there to clear up? There is no concern because the source picks who the winning bid is
  6. greg334

    How to think about p!$$!ng on the Taliban

    I kind of get offended by some of the rhetoric, especially when no one sees the real issues. The first thing that comes to mind is that this isn't a war, it is an occupation of a country where there was no war declared and before any one starts with the 9/11 jusdtification, it is a lost...
  7. greg334


    So true ... So true ...
  8. greg334


    A conflict of interest? Please explain that one to us.
  9. greg334

    The True Cost of Healthcare:

    Well I have a simple point of view when I read articles like this, doctors do not know crap about the financial end of the health care system and my experience working with many of them proves that to be the norm, not the exception. People keep turning to them for some answers which they don't...
  10. greg334

    Garden Center 2012

    Well setting up a hydroponic unit like the aero-garden is rather an easy thing to do, if you have the light.
  11. greg334

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    your means ownership of sorts and you're means you are Restaurant sometimes pops up as an error with some spell check dictionaries even if it is correctly spelt AND I think a few have my problem with my computer, when I upgrade any of the browsers, the US English dictionary gets changed to the...
  12. greg334

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    Well seeing I have four hours of sleep, I can't see the keyboard on this ithing, so I can't help the error
  13. greg334

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    There already is an spell check and if you have a phone that is worth more than $30, it should have spell check on it
  14. greg334

    For the Ron Paul Supporters

    Am I watching fox? Look it is simple With the republican party being stuck in the dark ages since 1992, I not just think that who ever they put up to lose but expect it. I saw my first Obama ad yesterday so as many have said in past year, the republicans have to start early and get a strong...
  15. greg334

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    Well each of us has a pet peeve, out side of a vocabulary, mine is proper formatting and removing of erroneous letters. ;)
  16. greg334

    For the Ron Paul Supporters

    I don't think it is too far off, I am hearing a bunch of frustrated people saying that they are tired of the trashing and the assumption that the base is the only group who counts for either party.
  17. greg334


    LS/NLM does not decide who gets the load but the source does and it is a bit more complex than just the lowest bid.
  18. greg334

    For the Ron Paul Supporters

    Well the problem many of his followers see is with the current numbers that the republicans have going into the fall election, they need all then help they can get but with the continuous trashing of them, they may vote for Obama. so true
  19. greg334


    Well we should,
  20. greg334

    Shore Power

    Truck lot as far as I can see but I don't see why a van can't use it