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  1. greg334

    Rick santorum - where he stands

    OH ... you serious? Let's see ... Abortion Santorum has campaigned for support from social conservatives by emphasizing his opposition to abortion. He supports a blanket ban on abortion without exceptions for rape or incest, he has said in public statements. I don't know about you...
  2. greg334

    The trouble with my uncle, Rick Santorum

    I think his core values are better than most but what my point is ... is that he lives in different times and information is easy to get.
  3. greg334

    Obama to appoint Cordray to head CFPB

    The constitution. Do you need a link to it? He can appoint anyone he wants during a recess but the question is what constitutes a recess. Many claim that congress isn't in recess because they take a break for some odd reason during these holidays, some consider that a holiday break but not a...
  4. greg334

    Obama to appoint Cordray to head CFPB

    If they take this to court they will lose
  5. greg334

    The trouble with my uncle, Rick Santorum

    Sorry there layout but I thinking you need to read the peice again and my post
  6. greg334

    Obama to appoint Cordray to head CFPB

    The same thing
  7. greg334

    It's Twins !

    I had 3cm stones and wasn't offered much other than "got to pass them on your own". Did he offer an explanation why you have them? Once I stopped taking Fish oil/calcium in my vitamins, I haven't had any more. Good luck and remember to take care of those kidneys.
  8. greg334

    Please Discuss & Comment...

    Dale, I respect your beliefs and your take on religion but I have issues with some of what is being said and being one who isn't defensive about my religion because it is between me and God, I find what the author is saying comes about to be more true more often than not. I am not one who...
  9. greg334


    Yes and it doesn't work.
  10. greg334

    Rick santorum - where he stands

    There has been a bunch of talk about if she endorses someone will her tea party voters follow her lead and vote for that candidate. The tea party people I've talked to seem to run away from Bachman as much as hold Romney in contempt because of their stance on a few issues.
  11. greg334

    New HOS Rules are out

    I think someone is thinking that this will be another massive shift in the wrong direction, like CSA was to bring about a huge exodus of drivers and a economy shaking driver shortage.
  12. greg334

    CAT 3126 Swap to Gas

    Actually not really. The EPA will say "Sure you can't" but there isn't a problem with medium or heavy duty trucks until 2007. What matters is the engine, so sticking an engine say from 1983 in a 2000 meduim duty truck is still OK. What matters is the fuel tanks and fuel system, that is the...
  13. greg334

    Please Discuss & Comment...

    True but I'm talking about those who claim to be "Christian" and make it a point that they are "Christian". No matter what many believe there is some need to follow a specific doctrine laid out by some church and forget that it isn't about the church but the behavior of one's self that matters...
  14. greg334

    The trouble with my uncle, Rick Santorum

    I think in the bigger scheme of things, someone his age has more sources of information and being connected to a politician he is a bit better informed about the person at hand. Life experiences has little to do with the opinion and observation of a family member and the same seems to hold true...
  15. greg334

    Obama to appoint Cordray to head CFPB

    Sometimes it is not worth the effort We all know what he is and does but many tend to forget that this was done by the last four in office
  16. greg334

    Rick santorum - where he stands

    Not to change the subject but why is there an assumption that the tea party people backed Bachmann and "her" votes will go for some she endorses while the tea party founder has come out and said Paul is her guy?
  17. greg334

    Please Discuss & Comment...

    I think he is saying that devotion is JUST part of the thing between you and God and being a "Christian" - "But all too often "working on my relationship with God" has almost nothing to do with trying to become a more decent human being." this is where I find many "Christians" just don't get...
  18. greg334

    New HOS Rules are out

    Just like eobrs, when there's a change many seem to think it will be a problem when it is not. 30 minutes is neither unreasonable or a show stopper - carriers will have to step up and change their SOP while the drivers need tell the carrier the regs are to be followed.