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  1. RLENT

    Nostradamus Prediction about a charismatic leader !!

    Yeah .... very heady ..... Have you ever noticed how everything is connected to, and is the same as, everything else ? ..... way spooky ..... I had an Aunt Myrtle once .... but she passed on ...... what the heck does that mean ? .... maybe the Tortoise and I are distant relatives ? (he is...
  2. RLENT

    Nostradamus Prediction about a charismatic leader !!

    Marvin ..... I'm pretty much speechless ..... where do you get this stuff ?
  3. RLENT

    looking for loads

    I have no idea what board system (if any) it was from - could have been an Expedite Alliance load (GPSNet), or another board .... or .... who knows ? .... your guess is as good as mine. You asked about cargo van rates and that was the only portion of the question that I attempted to answer...
  4. RLENT

    On the road repairs

    Uhhh ...... take my foot off the brake pedal .... ? (Sorry couldn't resist .... :D)
  5. RLENT

    Battery Powered A/C

    Well *ell ..... I wake up in a pool of sweat when it's a cold out .... just part of getting older I guess .... :D Frankly I don't think that if the cooling capacity of the AC unit is adequate to whatever space you are trying to cool (considering heat gain etc.) the power source matters little...
  6. RLENT

    looking for loads

    I just ran one yesterday that the customer paid about $2.72 per mile for. It was brokered at least once (meaning my carrier wasn't the originator of the load) ..... needless to say, that was a real eye-opener .... :eek:
  7. RLENT

    Cargo Van Questions

    Long story short: There's not enough money in operating an expedite cargo van to support two (a driver and an owner) You would be making poverty wages and the vehicle owner would be getting a poor return on his investment (my opinion only) Depends on your needs financially I guess .... how...
  8. RLENT

    The State of Cargo Van Expediting

    So why not just link from this thread to the other one ? ....... that way anyone reading gets the bene's of all the replies to the thread .....
  9. RLENT

    How busy is busy?

    piper, Congrats on the stellar week - very cool !!!! Most I've ever done (paid mile wise) - is around 2700. When I was with my previous carrier (where I was running 50% deadhead) I did have one week where I ran over 5000 total miles .... although I cheated a bit - the wife came with me...
  10. RLENT

    Blocked IP addresses

    Absolutely .... :D
  11. RLENT

    Sleeping in a Dump

    :eek: .... pardon me ... I have to go clean myself .....
  12. RLENT


    Man ... I hear ya .... :cool: .... those kinda miles would be hard to pass up. I don't think I could .... :D
  13. RLENT

    Blocked IP addresses

    Lawrence, Thanks. Yes this is the first time that I have experienced this sorta thing from any location .... although I vaguely recall someone else mentioning a similar experience - but I don't know that it was from the same location .... seems like it was a similar thing though but a...
  14. RLENT


    I got one Thursday afternoon and fortunately it was short enough (250 miles) that I was able to deliver it Thursday evening and get some sleep. Dispatch called on two on Friday and we got the shorter one (561) - a hand bomb that delivers out on Long Island Sunday morning between 08:00 and...
  15. RLENT


    Looks to me like you are copying a link from an email and the link references an email login .... try saving them to your hard drive and uploading them maybe ? ..... dunno ....
  16. RLENT

    Blocked IP addresses

    Are the IP addresses of the free wi-fi spots in the service areas on the NY Thruway blocked ? I ask because last night I was in a service area and could not load the EO Forums page when using the Thruway wi-fi network ..... the page appeared to be loading but just came up blank .... but other...
  17. RLENT

    AOL News

    Yes, that's right - it is merely the way the game is played. BY EVERYONE. There is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with taking every advantage you can of the tax system as it exists - in order to pay the least amount of taxes possible. That is the American way and I'd ask anyone who says...
  18. RLENT

    Where's your sense of humor?

    I think the reference is to Wilmington, OH at the Expedite Expo later this summer. :D
  19. RLENT


    .... indeed ....