[Nostradamus prediction about the charismatic leader who would be of mid-eastern decent, loved by all and so would begin the destruction of the world
Remember Think Before You Vote
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Obama Nostradamus set the year 2012 as the end of the world, but then again, he also thought of it as ending in 1999..
People assume the name 'Barak Hussein Obama' to be that of purely African origin, and indeed the name Obama is just that--However, his first name seems to come directly from Arabic, where the words 'Barak Allah' translate to 'blessed god'.
This Thread Quoated and Now Chained
Remember Think Before You Vote
Whoa! Think BEFORE you vote.
It's more important than ever !!!
Obama Nostradamus set the year 2012 as the end of the world, but then again, he also thought of it as ending in 1999..
The Mayan calender comes to an end in 2012. Obama's presidency would end in 2012 - this could be called a coincidence.[
[Look at the following... They seem to match up or sound similar ..
Barak = Iraq Hussein = Saddam (Hussein) Obama = Osama (bin laden)
In the book of Revelations, it states:
* The Antichrist's name will mean 'blessed'. { Barak Obama's name indeed means 'blessed'.
The Antichrist will be pro-abortion. { Barak Obama is pro-abortion.
The Antichrist will be a charismatic world leader. { Barak Obama seeks to be a charismatic world leader.
People assume the name 'Barak Hussein Obama' to be that of purely African origin, and indeed the name Obama is just that--However, his first name seems to come directly from Arabic, where the words 'Barak Allah' translate to 'blessed god'.
]It is without much doubt that everyone on earth now realizes that 'Hussein' is a Muslim name, one which originated fromHussein bin Ali,historically the Shari of mecca, emir of mecca, king of hejaz and caliph of all Muslims.
Does he seem to fit the middle-eastern-looking profile which has been suggested by many theologians as being that of THE ANTICHRIST? Why has he downplayed his attendance at was has been reported to be a 'predominantly Muslim school' in Jakarta, Indonesia? Why is Barak Hussein Obama the only presidential candidate, regardless of any party affiliation, who refuses to wear the united states flag pin on his lapel? Why also is he the only presidential candidate who' does not place his hand over his heart during the rendition of our national anthem?
Think about it... Aren't these actions (to say the very least) rather 'non-traditional' for any presidential candidate, and perhaps, somewhat indicative of someone expressing a rather foreign and hostile allegiance?????
But then again to tell ya the truth I never belived in any of Nastradomas predictions any way. This Thread Quoated and Now Chained
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