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  1. RLENT

    Ron Paul Leaps Past Bachmann in Latest Poll

    One can only imagine the utter horror of such a thing to some ... say, to those attempting to pass themselves off as long dead Greek philosophers ... :rolleyes:: Link to original article: Ron Paul Leaps Past Bachmann in Latest Poll Fringe ? ..... shyeah, right ...... xiggi, How's that list...
  2. RLENT

    Ya really gotta wonder why they're all tryin' soooooo hard ....

    ... the mainstream media that is ..... sooooo, without further adieu: SMACKDOWN TIME .... uhhh .... anyone else see a problem here ?
  3. RLENT

    Reality and a Whopper on Iran

    From The National Interest: Link to original article: Reality and a Whopper on Iran
  4. RLENT

    Ron Paul Rising?

    From fitsnews: Link to original article: Ron Paul Rising?
  5. RLENT

    Ron Paul's Truth Serum: The Ticker

    From Bloomberg View: Link to original article: Ron Paul's Truth Serum: The Ticker
  6. RLENT

    Amidst the chaos, Ron Paul shines through

    From the Washington Times Communities: [/I] Link to original article: Amidst the chaos, Ron Paul shines through
  7. RLENT

    Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran

    From SFGate (San Fran Chronicle): Link to original article: Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran
  8. RLENT

    Fred to Save Planet

    This one is a keeper ..... :rolleyes: Link to original article: Fred to Save Planet
  9. RLENT

    Saddam Hussein - Not Bush Or Cheney - Was Telling The Truth

    ..... so he was lynched ..... Link to original article: How "Curveball" Made Fools of Official Washington
  10. RLENT

    Impotent US Fails To Act To Prevent Wholesale Slaughter

    Link to original article: What next for the 'Mad Dog' of Libya?
  11. RLENT

    David Horowitz Is Frantic About Ron Paul

    Why is it that all these (supposedly) former Socialists, Trotskyites, and Shachtmanites ..... and other assorted flavors of Commie .... are so attracted to Neoconservatism ? :rolleyes: then posted in response: and finally: (Justin Raimondo's piece on Horowitz's Radical Son is a good...
  12. RLENT

    For The Love Of Liberty: Conservatives vs. Freedom

    Freedom: It's in our blood .... well, some of us anyways ..... Link to original article (which contains additional links): For the Love of Liberty
  13. RLENT

    Ron Paul seeks vote to end foreign aid

    From Link to original article: Ron Paul seeks vote to end foreign aid to Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Pakistan
  14. RLENT

    Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll For 2nd Year in Row

    just being reported as a "scoop" on Faux News (apparently the results have not yet been officially announced) with 30% of the vote. Mitt Romney was second with 23% of the vote.
  15. RLENT

    The Deepening Mystery of Raymond Davis

    Could probably be easily retitled: "Likely More Retarded Shennanigans By Those Dimwit Cowboys In The US Intel/Military/Industrial Complex" It's a lengthy article, so I have only excerpted a portion of it - but it's well worth the read ...... if you want to understand the kind of...
  16. RLENT

    Wikileaks Reveals US Won't Comply With Treaty Obligations

    Original Article (contains multiple imbedded links to coverage detailing the allegations): Wikileaks Reveals US Won't Comply With Treaty Obligations
  17. RLENT

    WIkileaks: US Pressures German Internet Privacy

    Original Article: WIkileaks: US Pressures German Internet Privacy
  18. RLENT

    WikiLeaks: Bush Admin. Planned Trade War to Promote GM Crops

    Original Article (containing additional links): WikiLeaks: Bush Admin. Planned Trade War to Promote GM Crops
  19. RLENT

    Notes on Nationalism

    I found this piece as a consequence of trying to trace back a quotation which was quoted in reply to me, in a thread quite a while ago. I had intended to post it, but never got around to it. It was penned by an English writer and observer of the human condition by the name of Eric Arthur...
  20. RLENT

    The merger of journalists and government officials

    Insightful piece by Glenn Greenwald about the incestous relationship between the media and government. Click Below to Read the Rest of the Article and View the Video: The merger of journalists and government officials