Search results

  1. RLENT

    Wikileaks exposes more US lies

    ....... and the hits jus' keep on comin' ..... :rolleyes: Original Article: U.S. declined to cooperate in Dubai probe
  2. RLENT

    Assange says signed 1.1 million pounds in book deals

    Original Article: Assange says signed 1.1 million pounds in book deals
  3. RLENT

    Officials: CIA gave waterboarders $5M legal shield

    Yer tax dollars at work ..... :rolleyes: Original Article: Officials: CIA gave waterboarders $5M legal shield
  4. RLENT

    Russian Newspaper Joins Forces With WikiLeaks

    For those skeptics on the lunatic fringe that believed that Wikileaks had only the corrupt US government in it's sights (BTW, they are getting ready to do a dump - of over 3700 docs - on Israel as well): Original Article: Russian Newspaper Joins Forces With WikiLeaks
  5. RLENT

    WikiLeaks: U.K. trained Bangladeshi 'death squad'

    Original Article: WikiLeaks: U.K. trained Bangladeshi 'death squad'
  6. RLENT

    Interview of Julian Assange by Sir David Frost

    Video interview of Julian Assange by Sir David Frost (Run Time 24:01) Julian Assange speaks to David Frost
  7. RLENT

    Cenk Uyger interviews Julian Assange

    Video interview of Julian Assange by Cenk Uyger (Run Time 15:16) Dylan Ratigan Show - MSNBC 12-22-10
  8. RLENT

    The Republican congressman who supported terrorism

    Original Article: The Republican congressman who supported terrorism
  9. RLENT

    WikiLeaks cleared of breaking Australian law

    Original article: WikiLeaks cleared of breaking Australian law
  10. RLENT

    House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wikileaks

    House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wikileaks via C-SPAN. Run Time 03:15:11. A very good primer on the law pertaining to the First Amendment and The Espionage Act of 1917. Lawmakers Discuss Constitutional Issues Raised by WikiLeaks
  11. RLENT

    Wikileaks: Parody Videos

    A couple of Wikileaks parody videos from Rap News & The Juice Media: WIKILEAKS & The War On Journalism WIKILEAKS vs The Pentagon
  12. RLENT

    A New Face Among The Whackjobs On The Right

    Original Article: Allen West: Government 'Should Be Censoring The American News Agencies
  13. RLENT

    Assange Accuser May Have Ceased Co-operating

    Original Article: Assange Accuser May Have Ceased Co-operating
  14. RLENT

    Wikileaks' Julian Assange Granted Bail

    Original Article: Assange granted bail at London court hearing
  15. RLENT

    The Real Game

    If you wish to truly understand the real game that is being played by Julian Assange and Wikileaks, you'll want to read the linked analysis, which I believe is spot on. The analysis uses early statements (circa 2006, pre-Wikileaks ?) of Assange to shed light on the matter. The "game" is not...
  16. RLENT

    Inside Story: WikiLeaks' Financial Crisis

    Video report about US Government pressure responsible for choking off Wikileaks money stream, and credit card companies lying to cover it up, Run Time: 24:43 Inside Story: WikiLeaks' Financial Crisis
  17. RLENT

    Ron Paul's Fight For Transparency

    Original Article: The Nation: Ron Paul's Fight For Transparency
  18. RLENT

    United States Subverts Justice in Spanish Cameraman's Death ?

    Original Article: Relatives of Spanish cameraman killed in Baghdad use WikiLeaks to press for justice
  19. RLENT

    Poll: Almost half of Britons feel WikiLeaks sex charges are 'excuse'

    Original Article: Poll: Almost half of Britons feel WikiLeaks sex charges are 'excuse'
  20. RLENT

    WikiLeaks drug corruption report hits Peru general

    Original Article: WikiLeaks drug corruption report hits Peru general