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  1. RLENT

    Truth, lies and Afghanistan

    Interesting thoughts from a piece in the Armed Forces Journal: Truth, lies and Afghanistan
  2. RLENT

    Indiana Republican Secretary Of State Convicted Of Vote Fraud

    Six felony counts ..... oops .... Be sure to check that address when ya register .... :rolleyes: Charlie White, Indiana Election Chief, Found Guilty Of Voter Fraud
  3. RLENT

    And for your weekend viewing enjoyment .....

    We have a little three-part documentary from the BBC which concerns the parallel development of modern Islamic radicalism and Neo-conservatism. It details the rise of the latter movement and its masquerade as traditional conservatism to garner support and acquire power. The film also discusses...
  4. RLENT

    Here we go again ....

    .... just another another Ground Hog Day in Amerika: The Movie: US deploys 12,000 troops in Libya
  5. RLENT

    Unfrickin' Believable ...

    Straight from the Zionist Neocon Lunatic Fringe - if this guy were a Muslim he'd be locked up at Gitmo .... and be scheduled for waterboarding at the earliest opportunity: Uproar after Jewish American newspaper publisher suggests Israel assassinate Barack Obama
  6. RLENT

    We've Been Neo-Conned

    Originally written back in 2003 by an astute observer who saw what was being writ large on the wall .... Continued in next post ....
  7. RLENT

    And you though Newt had "Baggage" ......

    At 200 pages long, the "Romney Book" (opposition research book) begs the question as to just how "electable" Mittens will actually be after everyone gets done with his dirty laundry (viewable at the following link, downloadable with a Facebook account or free registration): The Romney Book
  8. RLENT

    Two Time CREW "Most Corrupt In Congress" Award Winner

    When, in 2005, CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) announced their first ever "Most Corrupt In Congress" report, Senator Rick Santorum managed to garner the coveted corruption honor for two matters. In 2006 CREW released their second edition of "Most Corrupt In...
  9. RLENT

    The Strat(egy)

    Being covered by the MSM as of tonight: Ron Paul’s Secret Plan To Actually Win
  10. RLENT

    Letter To The GOP

    Look for it in your mailbox: ....... Houston ..... we may have a problem here ..... :rolleyes:
  11. RLENT

    Goodbye to All That .....

    Interesting observations from an insider .... food for thought to be sure: Article continues below:
  12. RLENT

    GOP has Ron Paul problems

    My wife attended a funeral today for the husband of one of her friends. I explained to her that I couldn't attend, since I was already engaged .... attending the ongoing funeral of the GOP. GOP has Ron Paul problems ...... may the Grand Old Party rest in peace ......
  13. RLENT

    Second Annual PPP TV News Trust Poll

    Certainly not good news for Faux Schnooz (wonder what their "winning" formula is ? :rolleyes:) Original article: Our Second Annual TV News Trust Poll
  14. RLENT

    How The Media Lies And Distorts The Truth

    Wait … I thought Dr. Ron Paul stormed off before the interview was over? Hmmmm. This (uncut) version of the video doesn’t match up with CNN’s claim - that he angrily cut the interview short and left. Fox News' characterization of this event was similar .... if even more distorted IIRC. Some...
  15. RLENT

    America Crosses the Rubicon

    New 'tube from SymphonicDrift: America Crosses the Rubicon
  16. RLENT

    Who's The Real Racist ?

    Maybe neocon William F. Buckley, former Editor-In-Chief of the neocon rag National Review: National Review’s Racist Rants by Thomas J. DiLorenzo The whole world should know by now that the neocons at National Review magazine, the War Street Journal, and elsewhere will tell any lie in...
  17. RLENT

    How To Create An Angry American

    How does this smell now ? (Warning: Strong Language - view at your own risk :rolleyes:): How To Create An Angry American
  18. RLENT

    Ron Paul "Funny" Headlines

    The purpose of this thread is to report the funniest headlines (meaning funny, humorous or just plain silly) that the MSM comes up with in an attempt to minimize Dr. Paul's campaign, push propaganda, and influence the population. This thread was not started for derogatory, mudslinging...
  19. RLENT

    The Long Knives, Explained

    The original article, which is linked at the end, contains many embedded links to items and sources, which I have not bothered to fully reproduce here - see the original article to access them all. Please do keep in mind as you read this, that the man who wrote this once confronted Dr. Ron...
  20. RLENT

    Santa Endorses Dr. Ron Paul For President

    Adam Kiernik sez: Twas the Christmas season of 2011 in the kingdom of America and all was not well Endless wars, bankruptcy, and Depression were in the future as far as one could tell The greedy special interest groups of Christmas Past believed in endless control and power With candidates of...