Search results

  1. B

    Freightliner/Cummins Idle Timer

    990,000 I wont tell anyone Rich
  2. B


    Thanks alot. Another item to buy another item that will cost $100 to repair plese let me know if this stuff carries repair bills as well. I have that round antena on the roof from Bentz, the thing is pathetic I mean awfull. I might watch 3 hours of TV a week and most of the time if its not...
  3. B

    Best way to ask for an increase or fuel surcharge?

    RE: Best way to ask for an increase or fuel surcha Wish I could help, but I better leave this to more expierenced members. Good Luck, great drivers are not a dime a dozen, your a saught after individual who deserves more than what the market will bear if they want it done, right, and on time.
  4. B

    Massachusetts Does Not Play Around!

    Most states, AL & NC for sure you are not allowed to change the plate with any stickers, markers, etc... And those plastic lens that cameras cannot photograph is a big NO NO.
  5. B

    Couldn't find a topic

    He was out of FL, I remember that. Maybee he will start it up could be a great time to look into another truck cause there will probably be 20 of them for sale here on EO in about 6 months.
  6. B

    Longest Load Accept Streek

    Not all of us run for FECC, there is no art where I am at that I know of. Some not so good cities and some great. Freight Zones change monthly, weekly and daily. Atlanta might be great for three months than stink for a month. I do not understand the comment Art & Science. My dispatch is...
  7. B

    waiting for loads

    If you were at the Jabez Truck Stop in Portland, OR. thats not a wait its a VACATION # 1 Truck Stop in America or the World....
  8. B

    Longest Load Accept Streek

    The one thing I enjoy about C&M is we do not have these Express Centers. There are no customers that we have to bow down to for but kissing. Need a load covered in Philly to Detroit if your in Allentown your most likely gona get the call. Customer is informed truck will be there in 1.5 hours...
  9. B

    Longest Load Accept Streek

    Well how is this (I am bragging) last month, I went for two weeks that their was either freight on the truck or another load waiting. Dispatch even scheduled in for me two 34 hour breaks to get my 70 back. Right time right place but it felt great to be that booked....and of course to have a...
  10. B

    Believe in Miracles

    Please keep posting, I am praying for all of you.
  11. B

    Very NEGATIVE posts on the site right now

    OK why am I so happy right now? Maybee how I look at this business. I do not see the long time Posters complaining here. Why? They understand this business and are good managers of their money, and cycles of this business. Things could be better, but they always could be better. Wake up...
  12. B

    pros and cons of leasing,renting commercial vehicl

    RE: pros and cons of leasing,renting commercial ve Is this a Joke? 350000 miles could this make any sense? Glad it does not, think of all of the immidiate competition, plus what it would do to all of us who made the down deposite and purchased a truck when all of these vehicles get repossed...
  13. B

    Fuel Tank Covers

    I was just saying there are three places I can never get a load to it seems. Home, X-home (MI) and buy a great chrome shop with time to spare..... So since I got a great load to 8 miles of my house today maybee Iowa is next... Thanks for the tips...
  14. B

    waiting for loads

    Simple answer. Find a carrier that respects your time and investment. Hmmm best solution I have found, also check the attitude of the POSTS here. NOT VERY POSITIVE, think that might have something to add to it? Sure I have sat, not saying I have a perfect answer but the question sure does...
  15. B


    I wonder if he would let you see his actual Income Tax Return. 10K month take home, that would be impressive, but home on weekends that would be IMPOSSIBLE. Don't get to excited you need to see actual #s. How does a person get by without any expenses?????? I can only escape by stealing...
  16. B

    Wondering if this will here

    Their you go, congrats!!! Dont count on it being steady unless you make it steady, (dedication to building a base). Charge up the wazoo for these fragil items and SELL YOURSELF, I will take care of it as if I own it etc.... Your not gona build this up until you get the proper MC etc.. and...
  17. B

    Same or similar pains

    Already here, I heard an expierenced driver came across a 06 T-300 Bentz nicely equiped or loaded 38K miles for under $60. Whats that say? Ones loss another ones gain? Hate to see people jump into this without understanding the risk vs reward.
  18. B

    Fuel Tank Covers

    Where can one purchase those covers for Alum Tanks that go over the front, many stone chips and sand blasting. I have seen them in many colors to match some trucks paint, black would be fine with me. Thanks
  19. B

    Tri State's No Forced Dispatch Rule

    Where have I heard that from T-Hawk?
  20. B


    There is nothing nicer in a truck than a good quality seat, with arm rests. I love mine, cannot remember the name but its a German Mfg. KW dealers will have them or be able to get them.