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  1. Daffyduck528

    weekend service

    Still looking at those properties? We stay out for the same reason. It's income. It helps not having a wife or kids and having a goal in mind to achieve.
  2. Daffyduck528

    WG Glove Changes

    Well then that's good news for those of us driving br, cr & dr trucks.
  3. Daffyduck528

    Enough is Enough!!!!!!!

    Not sure you'd get anymore loads by posting it in the Fed Forum either.
  4. Daffyduck528

    this is a stupid question.

    I didn't go to cdl school and I'm willing to bet a lot of us driving straight trucks didn't so I can't speak on what the schools teach. I can however speak on what's in the Louisiana cdl learners manual and what's on their tests that I took and logs aren't mentioned. Neither are axle weights or...
  5. Daffyduck528

    weekend service

    Agreed. Most of the stuff we haul is either emergency freight or high dollar freight. That kind of freight usually won't wait until Monday to avoid a tiny penalty.
  6. Daffyduck528

    Reefer times

    I like to do that as well. Dispatch pushed my time back 2 hours from my previous delivery to this pickup. I called and complained that it wasn't enough time and they only gave me an extra hour. My previous load was a 77f load.
  7. Daffyduck528


    You have a relative out of state that you could borrow their address?
  8. Daffyduck528

    Reefer times

    Gotcha. Very small load. Just preconditioned enough to hit my minimum required temps. I figured I'd be out in a hour. I was wrong. It took me a few hours.
  9. Daffyduck528

    Reefer times

    This may be in the wrong section, but when you have a -20c load, how long does it take you to get back to temp after you load your cargo?
  10. Daffyduck528

    How to Succeed

    It's attitude and upbringing. Go to Buckhead in Atlanta. You'll see thousands of black men and women that are successful millionaires. They didn't get caught in the lie the culture leads most people into. When your taught at a young age that the white man will stomp your dreams then why even...
  11. Daffyduck528

    Would your company hire these youth.

    "They may be gang members, but they are strong and could do the job,” Walker said." My favorite quote of the article. I don't believe it comes down to if they could do any certain jobs, but if they would.
  12. Daffyduck528

    Carrier tcu

    I'm building a truck, 22' box, FDCC T-VAL spec. Should I go supra 860 or 960?
  13. Daffyduck528

    Let's share bonus info so we may all profit!

    Exactly. Bon-a-who? Never heard of it... ;-)
  14. Daffyduck528

    Let's share bonus info so we may all profit!

    I have to say this sounds like a bad idea.
  15. Daffyduck528

    newbies getting into expediting. What truck?

    I had to travel to another city to take the test. I understand completely.
  16. Daffyduck528

    newbies getting into expediting. What truck?

    I second that. That's what I did. It was ~$200 for the test and ~$250 to use the schools truck. Most, if not all, truck rental companies require your cdl before they'll rent you a cdl-necessary truck.
  17. Daffyduck528

    WG Glove Changes

    You know, that's something I haven't considered. I always thought of it as making the company look good to mother FedEx, I never thought about what it would need to look like to look good to someone else...
  18. Daffyduck528

    WG Glove Changes

    Don't get me wrong, I don't condone this move, I just think that's where they are headed. They even said in the surface fleet conference calls that if you couldn't afford to buy a new truck at the new rates then you should go look for a used one so your payment will be lower and you can run at...
  19. Daffyduck528

    How Not to Treat a Prospective Driver

    A good contract will outline some of those things as well. The more "control" an owner has, the blurrier the line gets between employee and ic. I have suggestions and recommendations to give to my drivers, but they are free to do with it as they will. If they don't make the right money, I'm free...
  20. Daffyduck528

    WG Glove Changes

    Yep. It's pretty obvious. Flat rate will be here soon. Panther pays .05 extra for tval equipment over a base dry box. I believe FDCC will pay better than that, but the $2/mile days will be over real soon I bet. Time is coming for the vets to cash out and the youngins to re-evaluate their...