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  1. jaminjim

    M2 problems

    What ever happened?
  2. jaminjim

    Where does everyone buy tires?

    Oh yeah, and you get the hat for free:P
  3. jaminjim

    Where does everyone buy tires?

    Ref: IOODA If you wait until the March Truck Show in Louisville it only costs $25.00 Jim
  4. jaminjim

    M2 problems

    You cannot have the problem that you are descibing, because FL. and Detroit d said that this is the first time they have incountered the problem.(Hunting at idleing)Mine has been in the shop for 5 weeks out of 6 months. One thing they did to lessen the problem was to knock the idle back to...
  5. jaminjim

    Weekly Revenue

    Your welcome, if you are talking health insurance no, truck insurance, yes.
  6. jaminjim

    Weekly Revenue

    My wife and I run for EGL. She runs a chevy extended van, and I run a "D" unit, She averages about $800. per week, She runs about 9 hours a day 5 days a week. Her deductions are right at $100.00 a week and that includes the POS Nextel so you can POD on the E-Mad (crap) system. She does not spend...
  7. jaminjim

    Insurance for EGL lease

    I have my Insurance thru EGL, Truck, w/c, Cargo, and uniforms $153.35 a week. Thats up $22.00 from my old truck. (2000 FL 70) What Station are you going with? I work out of the CVG Station with a M2 33k unit, and wife works out of the Dayton Station with a Chevy Express stretch van. Jim
  8. jaminjim


    UNITED STATES Chicago, Illinois ORD EGL Eagle Global Logistics Address Contacts 991 Supreme Drive (Domestic Address) Business Phone: +1 (630) 694-2075 Domestic 491 Supreme Drive (International Address) Business Phone 2: +1 (800) 846-2224 Bensenville, IL 60106 Business Phone 3: +1...
  9. jaminjim

    2001 Sterling Acterra-Need info.

    Come on now what is some of the news, I won't tell anyone I promise. ;-)