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  1. Moot

    Sprinter Cargo Securement

    The 2 x 6 in the foreground has E-track on the backside. The 2 x 6 in the back ground has the E-track facing the camera. Of course both 2 x 6's can be flipped but they have E-track on only one side.
  2. Moot

    Canada ACE Canada loads

    I would hope the FAST card would work instead of a passport. This is getting expensive. First the CDRP, then the FAST and now a passport. My hazmat endorsement is due in November. Has anybody tried to get their FAST background check to qualify for the hazmat background check. I would rather...
  3. Moot

    Sprinter Cargo Securement

    RLENT I am at about 34" center to center on my E-track. It came out that way so I could catch the raised part of the floor to run the bolts and screws through. For the E-track sockets on the floor I use a 2x6's instead of a 2x4's for a forward stop. the 2x6 has a length of E-track mounted to...
  4. Moot

    Is Panterii going to buy TriState?

    >Is there a carrier that walks on water? When I have two canoes on my roof I can float on water no matter who's signs are on my doors.
  5. Moot

    Is Panterii going to buy TriState?

    Hey Buz: Can you explain your avatar "Mean People Suck". What exactly does that mean? Did you choose it for its deep philosophic statement or was the color scheme way cool? Like I said earlier, you know mean and bitter when you see it. Peace dude!
  6. Moot

    Sprinter Cargo Securement

    I am not a Sprinter owner but I do have E-track on the floor and walls of my van. Some don't like E-track on the floor because it tends to collect dirt. An occasional shot of compressed air and a vaccum cleaner will keep it clean. As for securing it to the floor I use wood screws into the...
  7. Moot

    Is Panterii going to buy TriState?

    >From what I heard of Conway drivers is they could not follow >the rules, or keep proper logs, or deal with the system >I've been around several conway drivers and the majority >of them were just mean and me it sounds like >they make their own troubles and need someone else to...
  8. Moot

    What do you like most about expediting??

    >I saw what you have thanks to Cheri, do they cuase a lot of >noise while driving? Only if I roll it! I put a twist in the straps so they don't vibrate with the wind.
  9. Moot


    Colts Win!
  10. Moot

    Question for O/O

    Wow I missed a lot of stuff and that's just the beginning. Soon you will buy things that make the job a little easier and life on the road more comfortable. How could I forget about quarterly taxes since I just kited checks to the State of Minnesota and the U.S.Treasury. Ah, welcome to the...
  11. Moot

    What do you like most about expediting??

    >Are you the one with the big bug on his van? Who is that in the Edgar suit?
  12. Moot

    General Maintenance

    How often do you run Scan disk or a disk clean up program. How about the defrag program? Also is there an advantage to going directly to the control panel and under internet options to delete cookies and files.
  13. Moot

    Expediter Man Law

    3. Thou shall not rip ye fellow expediters except when necessary or as warranted. (Rule number 2 superceedes rule number 3)
  14. Moot

    What do you like most about expediting??

    But seriously folks.... I enjoy expediting because every day is something different. A different shipper, freight, time, location etc. And this coming from a person who has been accused of having difficulty dealing with change. Oh well! My friends in the "real trucking world" say it must...
  15. Moot

    Question for O/O

    That should read oil changes every 5,000 to 7,000 for regular oil.
  16. Moot

    Question for O/O

    Looks like you have most of your costs down. The real questionis how accurate are your numbers. When I started expediting I figured $1.50 for a gallon of gas. This was a worst case, never happen in a million years, safe and conservative estimate. Man was I ever wrong! I'm sure you figured...
  17. Moot

    What do you like most about expediting??

    I agree! Most consignees are happy to see me. But I thought it had to do with my charming personality and good looks.
  18. Moot

    Would you take this load ?

    Another piece of the weight equation that cargo van owners overlook but the DOT doesn't is tire rating and axle rating. Everyone seems to be concerned with the gross weight and not the axle or tire ratings. This generally isn't an issue but it came into play for me once. I got pulled over in...
  19. Moot

    Would you take this load ?

    When Con-Way entered the expedite market their "B" max was 3,000#
  20. Moot


    Iowa is now 10,000#. And I believe Wisconsin is also. I have never stopped at either unless I had placcards and/or was escorted to the scale. And I drive through Wisconsin alot! A few weeks ago I stopped at a Montana Port of Entry/Scale and got pulled around back. I thought great, what...