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  1. scottm4211

    Suggestion Box Thread

    I really like the way it currently stands. Nothing beats a phone call, if you need a few minutes to get ready or whatever, that's the time to discuss it with dispatch. I'd hate to see us revert to FedEx and what sounds like Panthers systems. It really seems like we're trying to complicate...
  2. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    Just finished seeing my old man. At 84 he's pretty tough. Says he feels better than when he went in. I guess after having a 95% blockage cleared out, he should. Thanks for the kind thoughts, even those from other carriers who pm'ed me after reading the Load One forum.
  3. scottm4211

    Van speed

    I'm avg. 16.8 @ 60 mph in my box truck. I just hang out in the right lane of the 401. Very relaxing.
  4. scottm4211

    Van speed

    60 mph. Learn to slow down. It'll be the biggest money saver available.
  5. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    Until I got narc'ed out for blocking the dumpster :(
  6. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    I'm home. Strange day yesterday while at the yard. A phone call informing me that my father had a heart attack and was rushed to hospital. The good news is that the surgery to clear a blocked artery and insert a stent went well. I wanted to mention this as most are unaware of Canadian health...
  7. scottm4211

    Interesting Ford Full Size Transit Ecoboost

    Thanks Dakota
  8. scottm4211

    Suggestion Box Thread

    I believe what Guido is saying that although the dimensions might show on FV, they never show on QC, and if they did, it might help.
  9. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    Wheels up.
  10. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    Training must be done on Internet Explorer.
  11. scottm4211

    Suggestion Box Thread

    I have one. It's at home being used as an mp3 player.
  12. scottm4211

    Suggestion Box Thread

    There is no problem.
  13. scottm4211

    Suggestion Box Thread

    I personally wouldn't be for that as being an invader I'm charged ridiculous text and data fees when in the US. I just don't see it as an issue so long as we are dispatched through the phone (which I prefer). YMMV.
  14. scottm4211

    Panther Sitting at Truck Stops

    Irish guy. Newt O'This
  15. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    Yup. Even the old smilies show up.
  16. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    Me too :( Me
  17. scottm4211

    Shower Door Operation w/pictures!

    I think its safe to assume the culprits truck has a roll up door.
  18. scottm4211

    March 2012 Locations

    Eddie, you are a bit sketchy looking :p
  19. scottm4211

    Shower Door Operation w/pictures!

    Tomorrows lesson (if I'm still here): "Urinals 101: A Short List of What Should Go In It". (w/o pics)
  20. scottm4211

    March Banter and Location

    Don't need em.