I am typing this word for word from the article from Heavy duty trucking magazine, (The engine part) January 2012 edition. The article is about the demise of the Econoline van, and the replacement Transit van, which will be made in Kansas City.It was first introduced in Europe in 1955.It will be 300# lighter, and get 25% better fuel economy."And is presently powered by three small diesel engine engines.The larger configurations will be built here, and one or more of the diesel engines will be used,probably along with a gasoline engine."The manual transmission, which is standard in the european models, are being debated for here, leaving the automatic as standard equipment.Someone I know with a great wealth of knowledge told me there are 4 or 5 of them sitting at some Ford facility off of 94, in plain sight, unsecured.Can anyone go and see what engine they have??? lol...