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  1. x06col

    DH miles

    Precisely my point Maybe. If you are happy with your clean feeling, and didn't take advantage of a 30 minute break enroute to shower, help yourself to the DH. No problem. My point here is.. many will DH 50 for a shower and have no problem with that, but, ask them to DH 50 miles for work, and...
  2. x06col

    DH miles

    Therein lies some of your DH problem. Probably, the DH for the shower will turn into 100 miles, because, your next PU may very well be where you were to start. Nature of the beast. Been my experience with folks, is that they shoot themselves, causing a lot of unnecessary DH.
  3. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac Thanks, Jim or Karen, whichever. Couldn'ta said it better.
  4. x06col


    The question. IS there anuther Woodychuck in our midst???? Hmmmm
  5. x06col

    DH miles

    Bubba Who in the world are you running with? 40%??? We are at somewhere 5-8%. Ya better check the Post Office out.
  6. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac Bubba Da Post Office. They'll pay ya for every mile ya walk!
  7. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac Ya know, we don't do much automotive, but, one of my trucks let me know today that while at the dock at a plant, the actually saw a UAW cat multi tasking. He it seemed was accomplishing 4 (four) things at the same time insteada taking care of...
  8. x06col

    T-300s again

    Leo, IF, you have drivers. Drivers, not steering wheel holders, and, sattellite radio lister tooers, ANY class 7 will go 360K. Team, no team. Problem with perpetual warranty, comes perpetual payments. Your folks won't run hard enough to allow you to get into your a$$ pocket for the next one...
  9. x06col

    Hot spots...

    Gitt'in back home shouldn't be your mission. Moving freight should be. What exactly are you asking??? If like your last post, we probably can't tell you where to run so you can be dispatched right back home. Sorry.
  10. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac Bubba, With your attitude, I see a short painfull career in the business.
  11. x06col

    Toot your horn!

    Hawk?? Is that you typ'in??? 15 April??? Omigod, that's, gulp, 40 days!!! Or so. Finally figgured out you can have a life, but still hit the ball a bit. GOOD! To the rest of ya. See how positive your threads will get when you get it figgured that you really do have to cooperate and...
  12. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac Begs the question, if you don't trust them, why even consider them, or, anyone else for that matter? If you are that anal, you best keep doing what you are doing. Fact is, it's not "if" the best laid plans go astray, it's "when". Nature of...
  13. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac I'll type what i'd do. I'd call E-1 if that's your target. Ask what their average O/O gets for miles and revenue. Then, all you have to do, is figgure how average you are.
  14. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac 10K ain't much, Sleeper, liftgate, Logistics? What are you doing with the truck now? Expected hometime? You really won't be able to determine anything until you get out there. Averages for people are all over the board, and, they ain't any...
  15. x06col

    Looking to join Express 1 - what is their track re

    RE: Looking to join Express 1 - what is their trac Bubba: There are too many variables to give you an answer to this. What kinda truck, how will it be equiped? A truck is not a truck, is not a truck. They are different. Are you going to give your Carrier and their customers every reason you...
  16. x06col

    Looking for a new career

    Your point? Did you make a bad investment?
  17. x06col

    Raising the garage

    Find ya one o them crazy a rabs with the thick belt, he'll raise your roof for a little bit.
  18. x06col

    I Just don't get it

    Maybe, lanier, you got the bad batch. dunno.
  19. x06col

    Dispatchers Brain Size?

    Ready As long as you been around, why, is this an issue for you on this day?? Just kinda wonder'in. Bump your head?
  20. x06col

    Looking for a new career

    BTW Planning ahead?? I don't think so, after his company is broke.