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  1. dieseldiva

    Interesting Developments

    He doesn't agree with you so therefore he's a knuckle dragger...niiiiiiice. Umm...did you see the part where he said he's ALL FOR IT UNLESS?? The real issue here is not freedom of religion and EVERYBODY knows it. The left, the MSM, and some of you here would have us dwell there in order to...
  2. dieseldiva

    Treasury Department Statement Marking the Beginning of Ramadan

    You guys hadda start this, didn't ya?? I think "the one" himself issued a statement but you gotta see this story on how a couple of newspapers handled it!! PRICELESS...
  3. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    Back to the original one says it quite like Krauthammer.......
  4. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    Agree.....and before anyone "has a fit" up on Black Liberation Theology and you'll understand what LDB just said.
  5. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    I disagree. I made the point before that it's a burial ground for many that did not receive ANY remains. I lost my kid brother to cancer a few years back. I did not watch on TV as his body was literally ripped apart and buried and burned in rubble. I was by his side as he was sick and then in...
  6. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    That comparison is ridiculous and you know it. Perhaps you didn't "hear" anything about it because the media outlets you observe didn't cover that angle of it. I saw all kinds of stuff about it online...from news to petitions. This thread has taken a ridiculous turn.
  7. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    I ALREADY HAVE been my government a short year ago! Shortly after the DHS put this list out, we were in California and a young man noticed the Gadsden flag that I have. He said he bought his after he came home from Afghanistan and saw that he was on the list as a returning Vet...
  8. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    It's come out today that these folks don't even own ALL of the property that they're wanting to build the mosque the link.
  9. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    Sooo....if you only owned HALF of the property for the project, and you didn't divulge that information up front....what would be the reason to get everyone all stirred up?
  10. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    If not young in fighting radical Islam then young and naive in understanding the culture and I see that as dangerous. As I said before, just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean that you should. I cannot imagine the pain of the survivors....many didn't receive even one piece...
  11. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    That's just it, in this case IMHO, they might be the same.
  12. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    I knew you'd be back with long-ago history...can't be undone, just like reparations to blacks for slavery LONG AGO and nothing we can do about it now. This is happening today and we have the opportunity to stop it. I don't pretend to know nearly enough about this subject but I read what's...
  13. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    Which one of these other religious groups murdered 3000 of their fellow citizens? It's not as though anyone is saying NO mosques to be built in the entire city as there are already over 30.....just not there.
  14. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    They call it "fitna".... From the article.....
  15. dieseldiva

    Tolerence or Intolerence....

    Just because one has the "right" to do something doesn't mean that they should.
  16. dieseldiva

    Founders never wanted to block religious expression

    If the people wanting to build this mosque are truly trying to "heal" the rifts between the Muslim religion and all the others then why not include BOTH a Christian church, a Synagogue, etc. in the building? They need to be equally "tolerant", it's a two way street and thus far the only ones...
  17. dieseldiva

    Justic and Truth, FINALLY!!

    Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while! :p
  18. dieseldiva

    Henry Waxman in his own words.

    Isn't that lib speak for "that's ok, we didn't need those guys anyway" which is the pre-approved talking points to be applied after heavy loss at the polls? That Henry, he's a piece, isn't he??
  19. dieseldiva

    on board fax machine?

    Guess I should have expanded on his answer.... And stated that I agreed and the alternative that WE use is....yadda yadda that better than yanking your (and others) chain for answering a question the man didn't ask??:p
  20. dieseldiva

    on board fax machine?

    Ken....SNAP OUT OF knew I was gonna say that, didn't ya? I don't know this man's finances and I don't care, that's none of my business. I'm merely sharing the information that he asked for....MINUS the financial and business advice you and others offered up. (UNREQUESTED)