You probably consider yourself among the "informed and educated" so I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.......and thanks for the vote of confidence at the bottom of your post.
Yup, Yup....and when the "informed and educated" folks can't figure it out on their own, they go HERE to get their opinions handed to them by big they can drag the quotes over here for all of us to enjoy. :rolleyes:
If my understanding of the VAT tax is correct, we don't want anything to do with that one......isn't it a tax all through the process therefore making it very easy for add ons with no way for us to know what is what?? (probably not worded well)
I like the Fair Tax as well because EVERYONE consumes.....even illegals......even the 40% of the country that does not currently pay taxes at all......everyone has to pay = FAIR!
Check your "market" might just find something familiar there....I'd like to stick around and watch the fun but freight is calling me!
Posted with my Droid EO Forum App
So the "advertisers" are the ones actually posting the ads to the web that what you're saying?
That alumijunk thing was about personal experience with a defective product that cost us thousands of dollars and I don't think your attempt at comparison holds any water, unless these...
Finally a voice of reason!! Some of us have had the forums bookmarked for years and only go "out into the lobby" when we're looking for something. How hard can this be??
Has anyone considered that asking EO to change the rest of their web site "for little old me" might be a little extreme...
Makes perfect sense to me, not just because I want him outta there but it might be the only way he can exit and remain "historical".
Suggestions for Obama from his own party.