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  1. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    There goes the first $700 delivery. I went to the doc just to prove to the wife I was fine, and it ends up she was right. Don't know if I can handle staying home. Going to google "hand controls" for Sprinters Edit: might have to take the handlebars off my motorcycle, thats steering brake and...
  2. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    At once? Probably should have videoed it, you'd make some cash putting that on youtube
  3. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    Apparently I've been walking / driving on a shattered foot with torn tendons. Up yours "guys have no pain tolerance" wife! (Love you dear :rolleyes:)
  4. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    So glad I can stay out of the rate discussions now. Finally got my ankle checked out. Its not good. Ultrasound tech just asked me how I could possibly be walking.
  5. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    Well that got done with only minor issues (like the hotel wouldn't accept the freight, nobody was there for the convention yet) Somebody tell Washington the Amazon Rainforest called and wants their trees back. Seriously, a beautiful city. I even got to wait in the shade and the breeze...
  6. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    So much for local. Washington, DC And what the heck is a CARNET? Edit: googled it. Temporary admission of goods This will be interesting... Looks like I can visit the Smithsonian after and boondock on the White House lawn :D
  7. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    Oh but when you're at home, it rocks
  8. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    Ever take a weekend load just to get time off? :D Holiday ends at 3 am for Monday morning delivery... (Asked if its parked in a secure location...i locked it in a monitored shop to keep them happy but something tells me nobody's running away with an 11 foot 2000 lb crate)
  9. brokcanadian

    It's just June.....

    Checking in...hi everybody 2 hours at home then back out again (Edit: nothing else to say lol work available every day as much as I want)
  10. brokcanadian

    MAY all your dreams come true!

    Well it was my turn. Sitting in Wyoming (Ontario lol) just finished a shorty as a favour, after asking Dispatch to try everybody else first. Of course, this puts me in position for ring-around-the-lakes, that kept me busy two weeks straight last time
  11. brokcanadian

    MAY all your dreams come true!

    I'm so bored I'm doing TAXES. There's a first for everything I guess
  12. brokcanadian

    Continuous DEF Problems with Sprinters

    Or forward, after the countdown timer runs out :D
  13. brokcanadian

    distance record

    5 gallon can. Problem solved!
  14. brokcanadian

    distance record

    Once. I don't want to repeat it
  15. brokcanadian

    March 2017 this and that.

    Pay those things off. They help nothing
  16. brokcanadian

    Continuous DEF Problems with Sprinters

    The fix is to buy a gas transit :D
  17. brokcanadian

    MAY all your dreams come true!

    One run this week, quick run to Vermont. Family time Actually had a friend over for the second time since 2014. This job doesn't lend itself to a social life Van still running extremely well for being broken
  18. brokcanadian

    MAY all your dreams come true!

    That's your problem, you're allergic to gluten
  19. brokcanadian

    MAY all your dreams come true!

    Be sure to post a writeup in Truck Talk. with pictures :)