Search results

  1. TeamCaffee

    Stupid new signs

    Why did you put the signs on? If they are causing you such a headache and you do not like the looks of your truck it seems like it would be wiser to not worry about the incentive.
  2. TeamCaffee

    Coast to coast am

    There are a couple of trucking shows I listen to on XM and the rest of the time I am listening to audio books, pod casts, and music on my iPhone. I have always been a voracious reader and now to actually have the time still amazes me. Bring on the books!
  3. TeamCaffee

    Super Truck

    Snow 20" deep is not meant to be driven through with or without chains! The chains work best on ice or not to many inches of snow. Deep snow is the pits.
  4. TeamCaffee

    Super Truck

    This is real world and without all of the money spent on that "Super Truck" that has now broken the 10.05 mark and for a lot more miles as well.... Team Run Smart - Henry Albert
  5. TeamCaffee

    Expedite Expo Never been to the Expedite Expo?

    We will be there as this is the one show a year that we will not miss. We always learn something, meet someone, have a great experience, and really enjoy the two days of the show. It is a must for our expedite business. See you there!
  6. TeamCaffee

    Just a Citation or Out of Service?

    Thank You Phil I thought the article would interest drivers.
  7. TeamCaffee

    Just a Citation or Out of Service?

    Terry O'Connell has another very interesting article over on Team Run Smart. Answers a lot of questions about what is REALLY considered an out of service sticker at a scale. Team Run Smart
  8. TeamCaffee

    So long & Good by!!!

    Well Moose I am sad for you that you that this was only a April Fools joke but... I am really glad for the rest of us that you are not getting out of trucking. Keep on keeping us on our toes Moose!
  9. TeamCaffee

    Started Schooling for Class B License TODAY!

    Good Luck Jackieg! MissKat has some really great ideas on backing. I also drove Bob nuts backing as every time I pulled into a truck stop in the middle of the day I headed for the back row where there were fewer trucks. I backing into all kinds of spots each time from a different direction...
  10. TeamCaffee

    Hazmat - Transponders - Ohio

    If hauling placarded hazmat you must enter scales in Idaho
  11. TeamCaffee

    Hazmat - Transponders - Ohio

    Zorry why do you go into CO OH WV scales even with a green light on transponder?
  12. TeamCaffee

    Hazmat - Transponders - Ohio

    Today I found some interesting information as I have always believed that if hauling Hazmat we had to enter the scales in Ohio even if given a green light on transponder... Was I in for a surprise This is directly from the Ohio State DOT Page...
  13. TeamCaffee

    Mid America Trucking Show 2013 Sandra Ambrose Women in Trucking

    She was a awesome speaker! I hope to get by her shop before the Expo and cannot wait to see her at the Expedite Expo. She should be considered for a motivational speaker at the Expo also....
  14. TeamCaffee

    The budget airliner

    Moose thanks for sharing! Bob and I really got a chuckle out of your story. You must have landed safely since you were able to post this!
  15. TeamCaffee

    Anne Ferro - Trucking Solutions Group

    GREAT NEWS - Come walk with the Trucking Solutions Group and Anne Ferro at MATS! Friday 2:00 Room B103 See you there!!!
  16. TeamCaffee


    High of 49 today and tomorrow high of 42 and the chance of snow looks like it must be gone.... We still have our fingers crossed for better weather! Looking forward to seeing everyone! We will be over at Papa Johns in the Team Run Smart Hospitality tent serving coffee and talking trucks...
  17. TeamCaffee

    S.D wide base tire law

    Montana has this rule it is 500lbs per inch of tread width using the size of the tire not a measuring tape.
  18. TeamCaffee


    We will be there on Tuesday! Cannot wait.
  19. TeamCaffee

    Please help us welcome our newest Moderator!

    Welcome Sue to the fray!
  20. TeamCaffee

    Do you ever get tired of this?

    Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 
 Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
 Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
 Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business. Expediting is all of the above to me and each line is important. We tried to get out of...