Search results

  1. Mugg2000


    >does landstar have high number of loads leaving or >originating in the chicago erea. Mark it appears you are on a Fact finding mission and that is terrific. If one was to answer if Company "X" ; had the most was the best paid the most etc etc , that answer would only be as good for a few...
  2. Mugg2000

    General questions regarding the current fuel situa

    RE: General questions regarding the current fuel s >and not all >companies pay 100% to the truck... Please address what this means.. I am not sure I understand the meaning. Who are they paying or not paying when you do not get 100% to the truck
  3. Mugg2000


    I am assuming you live in Chicago, by your posting. I bet you would find plenty of loads if you would expand your resources to also using the telephone, and the internet. Is the I -90 94 important to you for transportation reasons? Mike
  4. Mugg2000

    Who's tired of HIGH diesel prices!?

    I am very new to the forum and I am not usually proned to endorsing many things of this type. I actually signed up for this one time myself and just did not follow through with it. I am re-thinking that decision now. The person that signed me up and will sign me up again is Jim Dolan in Alaska...
  5. Mugg2000


    I have been working in the IT industry sine 1983. I am just starting to look into the Comercial driving arena for a short time now, since one of my son's started to drive with Werner. He asked m ethe same question and I just told him it sounds great as an augmentation. I also told him I have...
  6. Mugg2000

    D.O.T. Inspection Question

    >But i was wondering if it is required by law? >Thanks It is a bit vague in area's, but discussing this fine line with MDOT at 2:00AM. I think you would lose. It does appear that most companies in Michigan are required to have a safty program that ensures, safety and vehicle inspections...