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  • Hello greasytshirt! I happened to be googling Hino engines, specifically the WO6TI, and your thread about you working on them from a few years ago came up. I signed up here just to ask you some questions if that's ok. Are the Hino marine engines the same that are in the trucks? I'm looking at a boat with twin 310hp WO6TI engines. If maintained are they reliable engines? Thank you !
    I've only worked on one pair of Hino marine engines. I've heard from others that they're very good if maintained correctly. They are not the same as in the trucks, the architecture is different.
    PJ 515253
    PJ 515253
    Thank you for your input. It hasn't been easy to find any kind of info on them. And on the boating forums everyone has a different opinion on them.
    Just like everything else, identify a parts and repair center near you and get to know the people. Hire a Hino-specific mechanic for a few hours to give you as comprehensive an analysis as possible. Investigate parts availability before buying. I was very impressed with how smooth these two engines ran.
    How do you drain the DEF fluid tank on the HINO? The message came up to replace the DEF fluid with the engine in the on position. The exceleration on the truck has decreased.
    Turn key on, engine off. Remove 12mm bolt on bottom of DEF tank. The computers want to see the level drop all the way down. With the key still on, add at least 2 gallons. This is probably not the real problem though, unless there's a chance the DEF was contaminated or diluted.
    Hey there. Have a question about a hino burner malfunction
    I have this problem on my hino transmission check a/t light show when it’s rain Who’s knows what’s that mean
    How is it going, I've been reading your posts and see you know your stuff so I have a question regarding my 2014 hino 258lp . It is kicking a AT light and it stops shifting after it gets hot but it doesn't always do it and I'm about to flush the tranny any ideas on what to look for I has 250000 k on it thanks
    You need to have the codes pulled out of the transmission's computer for me to help. Also, is your ABS light on? The ABS HAS TO work correctly on these.
    Also, a tranny flush is not required or recommended. Only use a fluid that meets Allison's 295 specification.
    Hey buddy I have a 2013 Hino that keeps bogging down it's sometimes won't go past 20 miles an hour and then it will start moving like normal it keeps doing it intermittently we had it serviced. It's got 251,000 miles
    Try posting this in the Truck forum. It might get read faster.
    It's the brake light switch, most likely. Adjust it until the plunger is completely pressed in with the pedal released. Don't break the lock.
    Hello, my 2013 hino 268 was shut down for lunch and then wouldn't start again. With the key on you can get the starter to crank by jumping the solenoid with a screwdriver.
    Apparently I have a sensor or something that went out?

    What can you recommend?
    Hey I have a 2005 hino with the 4cyl turbo automatic. This truck tops out at 67 and won't go anymore. Is there a way to increase the fuel trim on it or what needs to be done. Plenty of get up and go. Just won't top the 67.
    You know, it might have a speed limiter set in it. Someone with Hino-specific software would have to connect to it to see.
    Hi greasy shirt I was hoping you could help me. I'm working on a 2007 hino 258 and it has a cylinder 1 misfire. Replaced the injector but still has the misfire. The cylinder has compression. What should I look for next bud. I really need your help thanks for your time
    2014 Dodge 3500, 6.7 Cummins. 10K miles. DEF in fuel. Destroyed every component of fuel system and etched the cylinder walls. Sickening.
    That's just sad.
    If you open the fuel door, you'd understand. Exceptionally poor design. Anyone could make this mistake. Class-action worthy.
    I'm wondering if you can help me I got 08 hino 268, computed don't read codes but when it starts bossting at 2000 or 2500 rps it sounds like Westgate opens. Have any clue I will appreciate
    There is a way to get past codes out of the ecu using the mode button and up/down toggle switch. Sounds like ITV may be acting up.
    I fixed the AC on a Freightliner M2. Worst design ever. Let's put aluminum on steel then add road salt. Brilliant!
    Sorry to hear about your knee!
    The company I work for owns a Hino with about 70k miles it and the dpr seems to be doing very frequent and abbreviated regens. Do you have any advice?
    Yes. A TON. But I need the year of the vehicle. Also, ask your question in the Hino thread so everyone sees the answer.
    Thanks! I found you through just searching the web for info on our truck's issue. I am new to the forum, and forums in general.
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