Recent content by greasytshirt

  1. greasytshirt

    HELP! 3126 Caterpillar start issues

    There's likely a high pressure oil leak. Take the valve cover off and crank it. Does oil flow out from around an injector? If there is, it's blown an upper injector o-ring. It's also possible to blow an o-ring between the oil and fuel galleries. This will make the oil level drop and turn the...
  2. greasytshirt

    So... the wheels fell off

    Wheels don't just fall off. The lug nuts weren't torqued correctly. The lug nuts should be torqued to 450-500lb/ft. The shiny areas on the wheel and hub are from the wheels shifting.
  3. greasytshirt

    2017 Hino is getting hot

    The CEL could be a million different things. I'm pretty sure you need a fan clutch.
  4. greasytshirt

    Auxillary braking issue

    Sounds like an Australian truck. I have an A09 manual on my computer at home, maybe it has some insight.
  5. greasytshirt

    2018 Hino 195 Keeps needing a forced regen

    All of this is covered under an extended warranty. Go to a dealer.
  6. greasytshirt

    2008 268 Alternator issues

    Some trucks are spec'd differently. If you have tons of electrical accessories, like a sleeper with bunk batteries, you may want a higher output alternator. All the ones you listed should work.
  7. greasytshirt

    2009 Hino 268 inhibitor light and transmission light problems

    Codes pulled from the TCM will be pretty useful.
  8. greasytshirt

    2017 Hino is getting hot

    Do you ever hear the fan clutch engage? The fan will roar. Fan clutch failure is somewhat common. While you're in there, make sure the radiator fins aren't clogged. They can get caked with dust.
  9. greasytshirt

    Greasy Shirt is the man

    His ABS light came on, which unlocked the torque converter. The solution is to locate and snip one wire.
  10. greasytshirt

    2006 hino no horn

    There's a separate air horn circuit.
  11. greasytshirt

    2006 hino no horn

    The cover comes off with two torx screws under the steering wheel. Loosen them completely and jiggle the cover a lot. I've seen a number of older trucks have the horn ring contact wear away enough to stop making contact.
  12. greasytshirt

    No Rolling Regen

    If it's got black smoke coming out of the tailpipe, the DPF is toast. The injectors deteriorate, over fuel, and the excess fuel causes DPF meltdown. There's more to it than that, but visible black smoke is pretty damning
  13. greasytshirt

    2014 Hino 195H hydraulic Brake Booster failing?

    There is a hydraulic fluid reservoir at the left rear of the engine bay for the booster pump. The reservoir stains and is impossible to see the actual fluid level through the gauge on the reservoir. This reservoir gets Dexron III atf. It'll alarm if the level gets low. Pumping the brake pedal...
  14. greasytshirt

    Trailer lighting

    There is not a dedicated trailer wiring circuit. You'll have to make your own.
  15. greasytshirt

    Oil comes out from dipstick

    Does oil still spew from the dipstick with the oil cap off? Sounds like a crankcase ventilation problem. VNT problems won't cause this.