Likely won’t be too many anyway. Half the dealers don’t even want to sell them.Hopefully anyone who would vote for Trump and owns an electric car is having second thoughts. Keep it up and you wont have anyone wiling to vote for you!!!
Likely won’t be too many anyway. Half the dealers don’t even want to sell them.Hopefully anyone who would vote for Trump and owns an electric car is having second thoughts. Keep it up and you wont have anyone wiling to vote for you!!!
That’s because private citizen Mueller’s appointment wasn’t challenged to the Supreme Court like they are doing now with Jack Swift.
But please find the statute that AG Garland referenced that applies.
It doesn’t exist.
I didn’t say Trump’s attorneys did. You’re assuming something that I didn’t claim. It was Edwin Meese and other law professors. I referenced him in a previous post. Reading is fundamental.Trump's attorney's aren't challenging Jack Smith's appointment to SCOTUS.
The amicus brief that did so was offered by those who are not a party to the case.
Please learn how all this works before offering such misinformed commentary in the future.
Already cited in Garland's appointment letter.
When cognitive issues are brought up, Biden is the poster boy. If the Democrat party had a truly viable alternative they could easily force him out of the race; the reality is, they don't. He is not able to understand why he should withdraw from the race, and his wife and family won't pressure him to do so.Not for me. When I wrote my post I had no thoughts of Biden. I do not disagree that Biden is showing signs of aging, so much so that I do not think he will be the nominee. I think, and hope, he will decide his health issues are such that it is best for him to withdraw from the race.\
There's absolutely no chance Harris would defeat Trump or any other GOP candidate. The "word salads" comment was probably the best thing that could be said about her. She has no redeeming personal qualities, and since being in the national spotlight as Biden's VP her stunning incompetence has made her unelectable to any political office. Her unfavorable ratings are consistently in the mid-fifties, and even the Democrats don't consider her a viable candidate for POTUS.If that happens, a successor candidate will emerge; likely Harris, but maybe someone else...
If the worst you can say about Harris is "word sallads," she may be able to knock Trump off.
If the Democrats had a strong younger candidate, they would have brought him/her forward by now. They don't. Newsome flopped, so they're stuck with Harris.The Democrats could come up with a better candidate than Harris, but as the incumbent Vice President, she has the inside track and it will be hard to knock her out of it.
Perhaps not, but it would be preferable to the dumpster fire of Trump.1.
Do the Democrats really want to nominate this ticket for a second term?
That's a bit much. The Biden administration touts a long list of accomplishments positive for the country. Being luke-warm on the guy at best, I'm not going to get into defending Biden. But I'm not going to accept "the worst performance in office since the Civil War" either.On the other hand, the Democrats have an incumbent who's accumulated the worst performance in office since the Civil War ...
Whether you accept his failures or not, there's no other POTUS in modern times - if ever - that has mismanaged so many different critical aspects of American governance. The above article, written by a Democrat party operative from MA is long on verbiage and short on substance; I didn't get past item #7 that listed the Afghanistan withdrawal as a positive accomplishment.That's a bit much. The Biden administration touts a long list of accomplishments positive for the country. Being luke-warm on the guy at best, I'm not going to get into defending Biden. But I'm not going to accept "the worst performance in office since the Civil War" either.
My Turn: Bidenâs record and accomplishments are extremely positive
Although certain Americans who receive their daily news from television and social media may not realize it, President Joe Biden has already accomplished an incredible amount in his two-plus years in office. These accomplishments are of
Trump responds:This story is much ado about nothing anyway. The backdrop of what happened was that the Wayne County Republican Canvassers had major reservations about certifying the votes due to the tabulations being incorrect. The pressure came from protests and threats against them to certify the votes regardless. Trump, along with the RNC chair were telling them don’t succumb to the pressure and be steadfast while an election lawyer would be provided to help them.
Trump wasn’t president in 2022. He also received more votes in 2020 than any republican president has ever gotten with an additional 11 million votes as well as a 14 seat net gain in the House.
We've come to a bad place when state political operators can unilaterally remove their opposition candidates from their state's ballot. Which Red state will be the first to remove Biden?Maine bars Trump from ballot as US Supreme Court weighs state authority to block former president
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We've come to a bad place when state political operators can unilaterally remove their opposition candidates from their state's ballot.
Which Red state will be the first to remove Biden?
From the article:
"Maine’s Democratic secretary of state on Thursday removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause, becoming the first election official to take action unilaterally..."
As I understand it, and as RLNT correctly states, the Main Secretary of State is a constitutional officer bound by state law. When voters file with her office a challenge to the ballot eligibility of a candidate, she is required by law to conduct an administrative hearing and make a ruling. She did not initiate this action. A group of voters did when they filed their complaint against Trump's eligibility.We've come to a bad place when state political operators can unilaterally remove their opposition candidates from their state's ballot.
I would be surprised if any red state did such a thing. Biden is qualified to be president because he is over 35, is a natural born US citizen, and there is no evidence that he engaged in insurrection.Which Red state will be the first to remove Biden?