Truck Topics
Ticket Fixing: Probably More Serious Than You'd Expect.
Ticket-fixing is something you hear about every couple years or so;
invariably, you'll hear about some city judge, police officers, or some
other government official getting caught up in some ticket-fixing
scandal. It seems that ticket-fixing is a crime that happens across
the country, too; all of the resources I found seem to show no real
geographical boundaries. Even over the last few years, there have been
cases in New York City, San Francisco, across the Midwest, the
It should be noted also that ticket-fixing
is nothing new, either. Essentially, if anyone has ever "known a guy
who knows a guy," so to speak, the chances are pretty good you've had
the opportunity to have a ticket fixed. Maybe you've actually gotten a
ticket fixed. Maybe you've fixed a few yourself--and by that, I don't
mean that you went to the courthouse and paid your ticket.
fixing is a crime, though, and it can be a fairly serious one.
Regardless of any potential jail time or fines to be paid by the folks
who have fixed tickets, there are some reasonably deep ethical
implications to ticket fixing. This is something that we clearly know,
but perhaps don't often think about--and maybe it's not a bad idea to
do this, because ticket fixing exposes ethical cracks in both our
government and our society. Admittedly, in the grand scheme of things,
it's probably not a huge deal when you look at it on the merit of a
singular case, but on a large scale, it can represent a significant
inequality among our citizenry, and a potential for abuse of various
government offices. Perhaps most problematic is the fact that ticket
fixing can end up costing the cities lots of money in traffic and
parking fines.
2008 saw quite a number of ticket-fixing
incidents: Denver, Jersey City, and Las Vegas each had their own
incidents. These range from singular incidents like the one in Denver
where a police officer fixed a ticket for the boyfriend of a Denver
city prosecutor, to larger schemes involving court clerks and numerous
voided tickets like the one in Las Vegas
, where a clerk was found by a judge to have somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 tickets in a file labeled "Quick fix reports." The noted incident in Jersey City, NJ, saw the city's chief judge indicted for dismissing eight tickets for a "close personal friend."
In 2009, there were also
a number of ticket fixing incidents reported. Largo, Florida's police
chief was suspended last June when he was too lenient on a police
officer when it was discovered that the officer had fixed a ticket. In
Georgia, two individuals, one of them a Dekalb County employee, were
caught accepting money for dismissing tickets over a period of eight
years. A
case in August of 2009 resulted in six Nassau County workers costing
the county over $25,000 in revenues.
In April of
this year, San Francisco officials uncovered and are investigating a
web of ticket-fixing schemes at their Department of Parking and Traffic.
Essentially, several clerks at the Department of Parking and Traffic
were undoing tickets of city officials and friends. The way San
Francisco found out? They noticed a significant decrease in fines over
the previous year, and a cursory glance at their databases showed that
an inordinate number of tickets had been voided, many of them the
tickets of city workers. You see where this is going.
majority of these incidents, as you've noticed, are likely extreme
examples--and it's examples like these where people will get caught:
high volume, or simply fixing tickets for the wrong person, can get you
busted, to put it bluntly. To be fair, if you're doing something
illegal for long enough, the chances you're going to get caught doing
it are pretty good, and rightfully so. The message that these cases
should send is that city employees, whether they're judges, clerks, or
other city employees, shouldn't be above the law.
though, on an individual level, ticket-fixing might not seem like such
a big deal--and on that level, it might not actually be a big deal.
What's thirty bucks here and a hundred there, especially when you're
talking about potentially giant city and county budgets? It's not
likely to add up to millions, but in what limited research I've done,
it's not uncommon for ticket-fixing schemes to add up to tens of
thousands of dollars, sometimes in the space of just one year. So,
it's something that could matter--and it's not just about the money.
We're talking about the failings of elected officials and their
employees here--and failings that could affect tax rates, tax dollars
spent on legal fees, etc. In the end, though, sometimes it really
is who you know.